
When is Michael Phelps gonna return to Baltimore, Maryland????

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Micheal phelps gonna return to Maryland from Beijing???? and when is he gonna give his autographs???




  1. Probably soon after its over, I hear he is getting over 40 Million dollars in endorsements. So he will probably move to Malibu

  2. I read in an NBC article that he's staying in Beijing for the time being and then he's going to London for media coverage or something like that for the London 2012 Olympics. Type in google "when is michel phelps leaving beijing" and you'll find it. I typed it in earlier this morning.

  3. I believe he said in an interview last night that he will return after Beijing and remain in Maryland for awhile. He doesn't plan to return to regular training with his coach, Bob Bowman, in Michigan until after January.

  4. After the Olympics. I think he said he wanted to stay in Baltimore.

  5. Michael is leaving Beijing this week. He is returning to Baltimore. He is not going to be living with his mother, he will be living in the Fell's Point downtown neighborhood where he has purchased a home. In fact- you can see video of his new home on the Baltimore NBC Channel 11 news station-

    I'm not sure when this week he is coming back- but Baltimore is planning a celebration and parade for him sometime Labor Day weekend. So- obviously he will be back sometime before then.

    His mother came back yesterday or today- I'm not sure which day because of the time difference. She has to head back to school where she is principal.

    He is going to return to Baltimore to train with his coach Bob Bowman at the NBAC where he is taking over as CEO.  

  6. Michael Phelps is returning after he comes home from the Olympics. And he is going to live with his mother. And I think he is going to train at NBAC but not sure. Could be a rumor.

  7. I was watching an interview with him and Larry Smith from CNN a few minutes ago, and he said that he would be going to London on a Visa Tour in a few days and it also stated that he would be returning to Baltimore. One, because his coach Bob is going to leave the U of Michigan for a CEO spot in like the North Baltimore Aquatics Center, and thats his lifetime coach, he's going to stick with him no matter what.  & this has been asked in interviews numerous times.

    Also, I don't think he is going to live with his mom because rumor has it he bought a house in this area in Baltimore where all the "yuppies" live. I read that on wikipedia, so IDK. Wikipedia isn't that reliable because you can edit it.

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