
When is Nick Jonas' surgery going to be?

by  |  earlier

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First off, let me say, I really hope that young teens learn from the mistakes of their "idols." For years, Nick has refused to stop smoking, and now he's going in for surgery to remove cancerous tissue from his lungs.

Its a shame, he's so young, but I think he will survive and be better for it.

I want to send him a card (I know it will be one of millions, but I still feel as if I should), does anyone know WHEN his procedure will be taking place, and at what address I can send the card?




  1. ok i hate that these stupid little girls don't understand the healthy mix of sarcasm and boredom. i applaud your effort to pass some time. i posted a question saying that nick jonas is taken by his best friend maya and i got comments telling me to get my facts straight just like you are. haha.  

  2. he doesnt smoke and how did u even get info like that its a lie

  3. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that is sooooooo wrong nick jonas doesn't smoke!;...

  4. If you have time to make up stuff like this, you need a life.

  5. In before fangirls vv "ZOMG r u on crack nick doesnt smoke ur g*y get a life"

    But yes, I  heard the procedure will be taking place on Friday. Such a shame, isnt it? He smokes waayyy to much at that g*y bar I heard he always goes to.

  6. He doesn't smoke!!!

  7. wow. dude. get a life, stop trying to make people turn their backs on nick, it's never going to happen. this rumor is probably the most pathetic one i've ever heard, you against jonas fans? just shutup. we know your jealous of JB, but do you seriously have to waste your time writing some g*y thing about nick that isnt even true?

  8. Bullshit.

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