
When is Ps3 supposed to get better?

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i heard 2009

please tell me when and how




  1. Every video game console at its release was a learning curve for game developers and the PS3 is no different. Coming up on its 2 year anniversary, developers are now getting the hang of working with the awesome PS3 hardware ! Keep in mind the PS3 was built from the ground up with all new hardware ! Unlike the Xbox, the PS3's Cell Broadband CPU was specifically designed for the PS3 !

    The games are better right now and there's tons of developing left on the PS3 ! No game developer has come close to tapping out the hardware of the PS3 !

    Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2, Socom: Confrontation, Little Big Planet, God Of War 3, Ratchet And Clank: Quest For Booty, Call of Duty: World At War, James Bond: Quantum of Solace, Heavy Rain, inFamous, Mercenaries 2: World in Flames just to name a few !

    These games look awesome !

  2. It is better it has a steady flow of games coming plus good games already out like Resistance Fall Of Man, Uncharted Metal Gear Solid 4, Motorstorm, GT5 Prologue. It only gets better from here with Resistance 2 Little Big Planet, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Heavy Rain, La Noire. Plus all those amazing third Party Games like Call of Duty World at War, Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5.

  3. This year it has gotten tons better. Next year with the release of home it will become absolutely amazing.

  4. When is the PS3 going to get better?

    The PS3 is already a good console and is one of the best in my eyes.

    The PS3 has been outselling the 360 almost every month in the U.S this year and it even outsold the 360 in July when Microsoft dropped the 20GB 360 to $299 to liquidate them to make way for the new 60GB 360's.

    There's still plenty of good PS3 exclusives coming this Fall, and of course next year the PS3 is going to be jam packed with AAA Exclusives.

    This year I think that the 360 and PS3 are on a level playing field, but I think that the PS3 is going to totally dominate 2009 because from what I've seen so far, Sony has a more solid 2009 lineup, but Microsoft's 2009 lineup hasn't shaped up as good quite yet because 2 of there potential biggest games in 2009: Alan Wake and Splinter Cell Conviction have been quiet for a LONG time.

  5. I do agree that the ps3 is geting better is aready better than the xbox 360 but I don't think it will ever pass the wii but the ps3 still has good games and not that many but not to littel the wii will aways be the best but the ps3 wii never passed it many of the answer above me talk about how the ps3 is better than the xbox 360 it true but they don't say nothing about the wii as the wii is the best and the ps3 can't be better.

  6. it is already the best but if you mean games it is later this year

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