
When is a child old enough to go to the shops alone?

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my eldest is 7, he's very mature and wants to go to the shop on the next street unaccompanied, we live near the city centre and the roads are quite busy at times, i know i can't keep him tied to my apron forever but don't think he's quite old enough just yet to go help me people, when is a good age to allow these small freedoms???




  1. No, not by himself at 7. Maybe as part of a group of kids, with an older kids around 9 or 10. But by himself - no. I was only allowed to go when I was 10, and my 7 year old sister would come with me. But she was never allowed to go on her own, she had to go with me or another older friend, or not go at all.  

  2. He's not old enough to go alone. I was allowed to walk around the mall alone when I was 13.

  3. Certainly not at 7! scientists discoivered that it ius not until kids are 14-15 that they can even judge the speed of oncoming traffic! I know you cannot lock them up till then but I wouldnt let mine go alone in an area like yours till around 12 or 13....even that seems too young...

  4. most state laws say that a child has to be accompanied till they are 13 years old.  check your local laws.    And most stores don't allow children of certain age to be there unaccompanied.

    If anything, allow your child to browse the store while you make yourself comfy at the changing room area.  Just inform store personal that your child is in fact with you, not wandering aimlessly.  

  5. I think 7 a bit young still to go to the shops alone when you live near the city centre. I think 10 plus a good age as they need to start getting street wise for secondary school.

  6. Its really up to you. It depends. You know your child the best than anybody?,  So if you know his not very responsible then don't let him go yet. But if you know he is okay then let him. Its honestly up to you. If he has a mobile maybe let him take that with him. Then he could maybe let you know when his on his way back.  

  7. my brothers 7 and we dont let him.

    my mum lets him to the park with me and my sister but not alone,.

    i think i was 8 or 9??

  8. How about you do what you think is best and not worry about what other people think you know your own child and what he or she is capable of. I didn't let my son go to the shop on his own until he was 10 years old because I felt that was when he was responsible enough, all children are different.

  9. Thats insane. My little sister is 8 and i'd never dream of letting her out of my sight. As a compromise let him go into the store next door while you shop and meet up with him as soon as your done.

  10. I think he's a bit too young for busy roads yet - if he's mature and confident, you could walk him to the shop and let him go in alone. The issue isn't will he be okay normally, it's will he be okay when he encounters an aggressive drunk, or the pavement's closed for repairs so he has to cross the road unexpectedly.

    My eight year old does go to our local shop unaccompanied (just started) but we live in a tiny village with almost no traffic and everyone knows him - and it's only fifty yards away.

  11. My daughter was always asking if she could go to the shop alone so i told her when she was 10 she would be allowed to, she never forgot and did in fact go to the shop on her birthday, i still watch her so far of the way though, seven is way to young to go alone no matter how mature they seem

  12. why don't you watch him from the end of the street, so he has some Independence, but you know he's safe. then gradually build on this, eventually just watching from your door, and then letting him go completely alone.

    much love xx

  13. Seven is too young. These days, it's honestly hard to trust anyone. I'm not sure how old is "old enough", I think it all depends on the child and what kind of town you live in. Whenever your "Motherly instincts" tell you he's ready, then try it.  

  14. Each kid is different but I'd wait until he is closer to 9 or 10.

    My son start asking for more independence around 8 or 9 and I let him do it gradually.  He now can go just about anywhere (he's 12) as long as he tells me where and when he'll be back and then calls me when he gets where he's going.

    That's what's nice about cell phones.

  15. i fink 7 iz a little young to go shop by himself. but then again if u believe that he is mature enough let him then. but tell him to not speak to strangers and stay right away from the road.

  16. In these days, maybe 20 yrs old, U know that criminals target kids right?

  17. When i was younger my mum and dad was very wary about this as well. Does any of his friends get to go to the shop alone? My first time when i went to the shop was around 7/8 years old. But my shop is literally around the corner but on a busy road, in some way that comforted my parents abit as if anyone was to kidnap or abuse me the street would stop them.

    Hope i helped :)

    Good luck  

  18. This is no small freedom  you are calling it!

    It depends on where you live.

    I myself would never allow it!

    I work in a jail part time...and know the mind of inmates...and can tell you, it only takes one time!

    Your child will be gone!!  (for me,) I would never allow mine if they were  

    young in 2008...till maybe, say  15.

    You may think that is crazy....but I have inside info, as to HOW easy

    and anywhere...anyime, it can happen.Never  give in to a child!

    When common sense is yours.

  19. Do all of you that say 13-16 still take your kids to school then?

    I bet they love that.

    No wonder we have a nation of kids too scared to leave their houses if all they get is tales of woe from frightened parents..

  20. Not 7.

    Maybe 10.  Follow him at first to make sure he knows to look before crossing without being told and to see that he doesn't stand in a shop with all his money on display and knows to wait for change - that kind of thing and knows not to wander off talking to strangers.

  21. I let my 10 year old as its not that far up the end of the road, he also walks the dog round the block, I think they need to learn to be streetwise from the age of 8 or 9 onwards, it really depends on the child..maybe let him go but secretly watch him for a few occassions just to make sure he knows not to cross the road at dangerous spots or speak to strangers.

  22. I personally wouldn't let him go on his own at 7....but maybe with a slightly older friend - say 9 year old or something.  I wouldn't let him go on his own until he was at least 8 and more like 9.

  23. i would say around 11, 7 is still a bit closer to 5 then it is 10 or 11. you should keep him around he is still  a if that offended you.

  24. I would wait until he was 16.  

  25. he´s too young. If you lived in a village then maybe.  

  26. It all depends on how you feel about how mature he is.  My kids asked the same question at that age I felt they weren't mature enough to go alone.  However, kids are all different and us parents really don't want to let them out of our sight, it's only natural.  Maybe after you've fully versed him on the dangers of strangers and traffic etc, He could go with you following at a reasonable distance for the time being, that way he'd feel that you were trusting him to walk there alone but would have you not far away if he needed you.  You would also be close enough to intervene if he got into a dangerous situation.  It worked for my kids.

  27. 13-14 years old

  28. I'd say 12-13, there's some sick people out there.

  29. I think at 10/11

  30. u can sneaking behind your child, if he go to shops'and see if he can or no go to shops

    second way is:

    you can teach him to cross the strret by the zebra cross carefully

    because i was experience that's

  31. Wait until he's 10

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