
When is a child old enough to take care of themselves?

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My daughter lives across from the school and she is in 2nd grade. I always drop her off and pick her up. But I have seen children from her class walk home alone and they live 3 or 4 blocks away.They take care of themselves and spend time home alone. I really think I am being overpotective. My question is when are they old enough to be home alone.




  1. I wouldn't let a 2nd grader stay home alone.  Maybe walk home alone since you live so close, and can watch her walk, just to give her SOME independence.  But I wouldn't let her stay home alone and be that independent until 5th or 6th grade.  I work with an after school program for a big school district and very few parents allow them to stay home alone.  Much too dangerous in today's world.

  2. You are doing the right thing by watching her walk home. I think that they should be able to walk home by their self about 12 years old. But that also depends on what type of person she/he is. If you fill that they are mature Enif then let them walk, but if they still act like little kids then watch over them.

  3. I couldn't stay home alone until I was 9 or 10. I think when someones 18, they are old enough to take care of themselves. If you mean staying home for a limited time alone, I think 10 and up is good.

  4. I think when they are about 13 years old. I don't think you're being overprotective- Your child's only about 8 years old!

  5. I think that you are being VERY SMART and a very good parent.  Being too independant too early is a bad thing, and I think that it is best to be safe.  11-13 is around the age that a child can be by their self (and they are becoming teenagers so they don't really want their parents around anyways) but 2nd graders need a lot of care and attention from their parents.

  6. I agree - you are being a very loving and protective parent.  Your child may at some point wish you weren't always walking her to the bus stop, but what you are doing now are things she will remember when she is a parent.  You are there to teach her and parent her.  She is there to learn and be protected.  Those other kids need their parents around, but for whatever reason, they aren't there as much as you are with your child.  Be thankful of that and keep on doing that.  I don't know if there is a certain cut-off age.  I was walking to bus stops (this was in the late 70's) by myself at 10 yrs old with my brother, but there were a group of us and one of the kids lived right across the street and we just lived 3 houses down the street.  By 6th grade, I was riding my bike a mile to school (I hated the bus) and in 7th grade it was my problem to get myself to school (meaning, if I didn't take the bus, then my mom told me to walk or ride my bike).  I was also very responsible and walked to school with my best friend every day.  And I did have some things happen when I was younger (in elementary school) like getting followed by older boys, but my mom immediately got the police involved and that stopped.  I was also taught how to take care of myself and to always be aware of my surroundings and I've never had a problem since and I'm 39 now.  Your daughter is very lucky to have you.

    The fact that you are questioning this tells me you are thinking you are doing the right thing by being protective and just looking for assurance with this.

  7. 2nd Grade?  You got to be kidding me.  Here is a fact:  You, an adult, are aware that these children are walking home alone, and who else is noticing this - NO, I don't think you are being over protective - I think you are being SMART.

  8. Over protective? No way..

    I dont like letting my 10 year old sister walk home on occasion (about 2-3 blocks) with her cousins..and quite a few other kids walking home..I feel its too dangerous due to new homes and businesses the street is more busy..people cant drive and of course there is the occasional 1/100000 wierdo hiding out some where in the world..

    We have 2 other family members with kids going to the same school in my neighborhood so the parents take turns picking the kids up..

    I didnt walk home at that age, I was picked up and dropped off (maybe walked home 1-3 times) I walked to Jr high..the school was right behind my house..

    I hate to see small kids walking home..It makes me sad especially when theyre alone...I feel like 5th/6th grade MIGHT be ok..depends on if the streets are busy, if other kids walk to the SAME neighborhood, and also depends on the kid...

    I think 2nd grade is a bit young..theyre still learning the basics..a jr high girl knows for sure what/who to avoid and can put up some what of a fight..but a little 'baby'..nah

  9. You can never be overprotective... especially the way the world is these days....alot of those children have to do this because their parents work...or...are worthless...if you are able to be there that is the best thing for a child...

  10. In this day and age and all the wierdos out there, I wouldn't let my 2nd grader walk home alone.  I may be overprotective, but on that issue, I will not budge.  There are just too many missing children!

  11. I live 8 min from school and have 2nd grader also a 4th and 6th I take them, I would worry if they crossed the road properly. Its better you take her and at least you know she is safe.

  12. Just because other parents do that doesn't mean that YOU SHOULD. Its better to be SAFE then SORRY. Yes its good that you pick her up and drop her off - shes only in second grade come on now? Shes what 7 or 8? Shes really young and there predators EVERYWHERE when you least expect it!

    Do she know NOT to open doors to strangers?

    Does she know not to go out when your not there?

    Does she know right from wrong?

    I don't think so.

  13. i believe a child is old enough to care for themseleves at the age of 15 but should still be living under your roof till 18

  14. They can start learning at age 6-- that is learning. Kids used to stay home alone at age 8, and did just fine. The world isn't any different than it was before,- these days its just that parents are making their kids immature- and that's not good.

  15. oh no at 8? (i thinks thats 2 grade age) she is not responsible enough to be left alone dont do it til age 12 at least

  16. At 12 they are old enough to know right from wrong, no matter how immature they are, I say twelve is the cut off

  17. you are doing ok----the child is to young to walk alone ----if the child walks in a group of maybe two or three then maybe it might be ok---there is safety in numbers---but keep doing what you are doing---especially when thei child grows up and remembers how you was there for them--all the little things ---i'm 58 and still remember how my mom watched, as i got off the school bus at the door--and had a bowl of soup waiting when i was in kinder garten---and shoveled the snow for  a path to the bus

  18. I would let her do it by herself and see how she likes it.  I let my daughter go out to the bus stop (across a street) by herself (2nd grade) and she is just fine.  I started leaving my oldest home alone when she was 10, not for long, but I do think the legal age to do that is 12.  She babysits (she is 14 now) her siblings (3) since she was 12 years old.

  19. not until they're at least 10 or 11 would i ever leave my children home alone if i had any. that's crazy that the other parents are letting theirs stay home alone.

    when i was in..yeah it was 2nd grade, i got sick and had to stay home alone for about 30 minutes while my dad was picking up my brother and sister and i flipped out and called the police, i was so scared. all i had was my cat. and that didnt help at all.

    you're definitly not being overprotective.

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