
When is a child too old to wear Under Jams or products like that?

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When is a child too old to wear Under Jams or products like that?




  1. i used them until they stopped having accidents

    my oldest slept so soundly that he was 5 1/2 before he outgrew them

    every kid is different, don't worry about anything other than what is right for you and yours

  2. that depends is the child potty trained and can they make it through the day on a regular basis?

    I would think 4-41/2 during the day

    but my 7 yr old wears a pull up at nite because she occ. wets the bed

    I am hopeful that she won't have them too much longer.

    My son could make it through the whole nite by the time he was 2 1/2 but was almost 5 before he stopped having accidents during the day!!

    you'll know when the time is right

    good luck!!!!!!!!!

  3. Bed wetting can run its course until puberty. Alarms and pills may work to shorten that time, or the child's bladder may mature enough before then as well. There is no age limit to protection, unless they don't fit anymore. My oldest wet until 13 and outgrew them at 8.

  4. I think a 4 year old should be well-enough potty trained to not rely on products like that, and in my opinion, 4 year olds should be using them only at night if at all.

  5. A child becomes too old for Underjams whenever he stops wetting the bed.

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