
When is a family too big? Is it fair to adopt this many children?

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  1. it's great that they are opening their hearts to help all these kids

  2. I have had a lot of mixed feelings about this family and have followed them for years...

    first she started out as a foster parent/ group home provider... she met her husband online... he basically is total care himself and has been in the hospital a lot the past 2 years

    many agencies would look at that alone and not place any child with them... most state, California included, actually do have limits on the numbr of children under 18 placed in a family... and most have like 4 for a single person and 8 for married couple... special needs usually count more, etc... so less kids can be placed in a home

    they do get a lot of money through adoption sub for their children adopted from foster care...

    she does seem to be able to get care providers lined up and services for the kids together

    but most families would not be able by local regs to do what she is doing (I mean the last 3 months, she has had one kid got to residential treatment, and one get hit by a car, yet added 2-3 kids)  most regular foster or adoptive homes would be shut down over any of those issues...

    for the children fom private disrupted adoptions she is able to take in, she is also able to get funding for services at least, if not SSI, through going through the courts.... most adoptive families find that impossible,,,

    Her cousin runs an adoption agency that keeps her homestudy up to date (that alone is a barrier for many, getting an agency to work with) and I don't know if they did all the homestudies, some of them, or what...

    I think her home is better than a nursing home and a group home... and she does support the kids in some way after they move out at 18...

    but just because DSS places kids somewhere isn't saying much...

    but I think overall, it is not a bad situation in that particular home...

  3. Honestly, if I have the money, space, and no need for a job, I think that would be me. Maybe not that many, but as many as wanted to join the family.

  4. Wow, that's amazing. If they have the strength and financial resources to raise them all, more power to them!

  5. God bless your heart with all them kids and all up in their.

  6. Looks to me like they are adequately caring for all these boys, boys who are the least likley to be adopted by anyone else. Would I ever be able to do that?? No way. More power to them for doing what they are.  

  7. well it looks like it works for them.  it looks like they are providing for all for them.  If they can handle it go for it.  kids need to feel included.  it also looks like they have accepted many hard to place children who might not get the chance to "belong" to a family otherwise.  glad its them and not me

  8. If they have the financial and emotional means then that is great. However it makes me wonder  how much individual attention and love each boy is getting. Its hard to bond with all of your kids if there are that many. But i think it is wonderful that they have opened their home to so many children.

  9. If they can handle them all then KUDOS to them.

    That is way too many boys for me WOW!!!

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