
When is a fever to high?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 5 year old and she has a Temp of 102.5 ..i got it down to 100.3 but only for 3 hours.. now its back up ...she doesn't have a cold just a fever.....




  1. hmmmm. try giving her some medicine, (children's tylenol) if it dosnet go down in 2 more hours take her to an urgent care. not the hospital.

  2. still not good call a doctor. plenty of fluids

  3. You should call your doctor.

  4. Well, below around 101.5 is OK and shouldn't be interfered with, since lowering it would interfere with the body fighting an infection. However, above that is dangerous and should be lowered.

  5. wow poor little baby i say take her to the doctor i had a little cousin that also got more ill all the time i know that 96 and up to 96.9 is normal but watch out when over 100!

  6. Something is bothering her obviously. Unless you can spot what is wrong and treat her with possibly Children's Tylenol. You should seek professional help. A fever at 102.5 seems pretty high. Over here in North America, it would be considered really high. But in Pakistan people have to learn to tolerate it without seeking medical attention. For the sake of your child's wellness, its advisable to act as if this is a high fever.

  7. i'd say over a hundred is bad, especially for a young child. take her to a doctor if the fever continues for more than a day

  8. About 105. Then she starts getting very uncomfortable and she might start crying. If these symptoms match her, take her to the doctor or a pediatrician.

  9. if it goes to 104 take her to the hospital

  10. Go to the DR if it gets to 103 or if it doesn't stay down within 24 hours for now just use childrens tylenol and a temped bath and don't keep socks or anything to warm on her. she could have an ear infection?  just one of many things

  11. average is 98.7. your suppost to call a doctor if it gets like above 101 or something. call your local docter and ask whay you should do. i would tell her to sleep and sleep  ...oh and sleep

  12. um does she have a cut anywhere? she could have an infection, anyway you need to take her to the hospital b/c 98.0 is a normal temp. there is something wrong there!

  13. bring her to hospital. they will help her


  15. when its over 100

  16. whenever its over 100 its serious and needs to go to the hospital

  17. I hope you're reading this after you took her to the ER. A fever unrelated to an illness, and especially one that high, and you can't control, should *always* be seen by a doctor/hospital.

  18. You should take her to the hospital.

    My aunt became retarded from a high fever.

    Anything over 100 is very dangerous.

  19. Fever classification

    Grade °C °F

    low grade 38–39 100.4–102.2

    moderate 39–40 102.2–104.0

    high-grade 40–42 104.0–107.6

    hyperpyrexia>42 >107.6

  20. anything about 38 degrees celsius, but im aussie so i dont use fahrenheit. 102 F is very serious, and you should see a doctor, especially if she gets over 101 again. keep her hydrated, and make sure she keeps the temperature down.

  21. 103 or greater and get her to hospital right away. Try giving her a bath is room temp to 90 degree water. That will bring it down. And you can call your local hospital ER and talk to a nurse.

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