
When is a girl officialy fat?

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I know some men find curvacioise women very s**y, but then "fat" women repulsive.

What i want to know is how does a man decipher when a women officialy steps over from the s**y/curvy threshold into the "fat" one?

And how fine is the line between the two?





  1. Seriously, when she has rolls(even small ones) on her body, she is fat.  She needs to lose weight.

    edit:  All the fat ones are gonna thumbs this down because they don't like to face the truth that they're fat.  Like "rocrhyme" down there:  she's in serious denial buddy.  Size small shirt and 16 pants!  hahaaa, that makes me want to pee in my pants right now!  That's so denialistic, I don't even know what to do.  There is no way in **** that a fat size 16 could wear a small shirt unless she was wearing that shirt as a bra.  Why you gotta lie to make yourself feel better?  This is the same as saying that a male wearing a small sized shirt and size 42" waist!  Get real!

  2. When she is outside of the ideal weight for her height.

  3. Between sizes 16-18

  4. When she stands up and the chair is still attached, usually.

  5. I wear double digits in pants and dress sizes and I'm not the least bit fat. I just happen to be considerably taller than what is average for a woman and am proportioned accordingly.

  6. I'd have to see her naked to make an accurate assessment.

  7. Some slim males have a tougher definition of "fat," where they call chubby women fat...Heck, even chubby is subjective.

    The rule of thumb is that people use their own bodies to compare....Even beyonce and marilyn monroe have been called fat by some of the guys I know, while some guys say they're slim and s**y.

  8. When her BMI is from 25 to 30.

  9. Its a very fine line and changes from guy to guy..

    To be safe, I've heard it put (and would agree btw) that staying within 7 Lbs of your ideal weight best.

    Ex: starting at 5ft 0in tall = 100lbs- then add 5lbs for every additional inch taller. So if you're 5ft 7in then anywhere between 135-142 is pretty good place to be.

    Being seen as fat to a guys is pretty much having almost ANY extra unnecessary fat on top of that- but every guy is a lil different

  10. I think it's how the weight is distributed.

    If there's alot of weight on the waist and belly area then most men find this undesirable. Interestingly this doesn't carry across to their butt lol alot of men like women slightly larger there

    p.s. BMI is unreliable and height to weight thus also carries alot of bias. Can't account for frame size for a start nor percentage of muscle to fat

  11. When they are medically overweight. You see, the problem is the acceptance of people being unhealthy weights.  This applies to both over and underweight people, though because there is a much higher percentage of overweight people..this mostly applies to overweight people.  While we can argue that there are  a few that who have medical problems, but the sad truth is most are behavioral problems of the person involved.

    Anyway, what I am getting at is curvy does NOT = fat, heavy, big boned, etc.  It means curvy.  A thin waist compared to hips and bust.  While I suppose you could be overweight and fit this body type, you are still fat.

    BMI has been a common way to measure proper body weight it has many flaws.  I think body fat percentage is a much more accurate way of telling whether you are healthy.  If you have less than 10% fat, you are too thin and if you have more than 32% body are too fat.

  12. Depends on the girl. Weight dosen't really have anything to do with it, honestly, so don't worry about numbers. I weigh 10lbs more then my best friend, but I wear a size 6 to her 12. I'm in shape and have muscle tone, she dosen't. Forget weight. If a woman has a high percentage of body fat, then she could be considered fat. If she's larger, but muscular, then she wouldn't be. For example- if a 130lb girl has very little muscle tone and lots of excess weight on her belly, legs and hips, then she will look chunky. If a woman weighs 250lbs, but she's a body builder with very low body fat, I don't think anyone would consider her 'fat'. Big, maybe, but not fat.

    So basicly- Its all about her body type. If she's in good shape and has a low body fat percentage, then it dosen't matter what she weighs. There is no concrete number for this answer.

  13. When her BMI is from 25 to 30

  14. My wife is 5' 3" and was still curvy cute when she weighed 165. By the time she hit 190-200, she had crossed over to the fat side.

  15. wow.  I'm officially fat, according to these answers.

    That sucks.

    But why do men hit on me?

    Quality men, not loser types?

    .....maybe it's personality?  Maybe some people are not shallow?


    Wow there's a new perspective.  Like somebody for WHO THEY ARE....

  16. Just because you wear a 16 does not mean your fat. There are a lot of black females who wear a small in shirts but wear a 15 or 16 in pants. Size charts are made for avrage shaped woman but it doesnt apply when a woman weara large in shirts but wear a size 4 or 5 in pants. The way you can offcially tell someone is fat when they have rolls.Like I said your body shape has a lot to do with it.

  17. you're talking about personal preference so the 'fine line' varies with each individual; medically, someone is considered obese when about 100 lbs. over what they 'should' be according to their height, age, and gender.  Less than that, they're simply overweight - not FAT (how rude...)

    you know, there are different strokes for different folks.  People who try to pigeon-hole everyone else, should consider therapy.

  18. Usually when their dress size moves into double figures, some women could possibly get away with a ten though.

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