
When is a good time to buy a wastebasket?

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I'm thinking of buying a wastebasket when the Sun is in Virgo because my current one is a Pisces and it just sits there looking empty and dreamy. You know how ALL Pisces are. Just as bad as all Geminis, right? So I'm going with good ole Virgo this time because I want something that is anal retentive.

Also, should I be concerned about the time of buying it? I mean, if it has Libra Rising, someone could try to eat it for breakfast, and I would be with a big freaking lawsuit on my hands.




  1. Just don't buy one when the Grand Dragon is in Jupiter's house. I heard that's a bad time to buy trash products.

  2. wtf??? o.0

    edit: err...sorry. didn't read your Q correctly. but honestly, i didn't understand what you meant. you're talking about when your horoscope will make it the right time to buy a wastebasket? am i right, or wrong?

    -didn't mean to offend you

  3. Well of course the character of your wastebasket has very little to do with when you buy it, but more to do with when it was made. Perhaps you should contact the manufacturers and see if you can get a birth date for the wastebasket before you purchase it. Once you've got the wastebasket's birth data, I recommend checking out the synastry and composite charts between yourself and the wastebasket...just to make sure the two of you are compatible. Perhaps it would be advisable to draw up a horary chart for the date and time that you intend to go wastebasket shopping as well, just to make sure that you pick the most auspicious time for that.

    Shopping for wastebaskets is not a task to be taken lightly. Much care and consideration must be used in order to succeed at such an undertaking. Best of luck and may god guide you on your quest.  

  4. I think that you are trying to make a point about the categorizing of signs? It's reminding me of the scene in Blazing Saddles where the guy has a gun to his own neck and everyone falls for the strategy.

  5. You have a point but dont you think buying one during capricorn time would be better i mean it would be cheaper, yes capricorn with a VIRGO moon. It cant get better then that. Make sure this one has no Pisces like your current one though we dont want none of that now. Oh and make sure it has scorpio rising so nobody trys to mess with your dear wastebasket.

  6. when you have garbage...obviously

  7. buy it the day before i throw the drunk party at your place,cause i ain't cleaning it up.

  8. August 11th at 11:01am

    That's when I would buy one.

    Preferably Silver; round.

    Not that I totally see what Pisces, Geminis, and Leos have to do with anything, but okay.

    Either way, i hope I was of some help.

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