
When is a major earthquake in California expected?

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Yesterday, a 5.4 eathquake hit Los Angeles. This earthquake made me thinking of the major one expected. I am a llittle worried about it so i want to stay alert and prepared for it. Anyone hear about predictions of when it might hit?




  1. No but we are over due. The last major earthquake on the San Adrea's was back in 1906 and this fault erupts every hundred years. Well we were up in 2006, its not if, it will happen its when it will happen. It is predicted that it will be a 7.9 to 8.2 Earthquake, it cant get larger than this, the San Adrea's can not produce a 9.0 or even a ten like Japan can.

  2. I felt the yesterday one too! D:

    It freaked me out so muchh.

    That's why I'm browsing through the earthquake questions myself.

    I believe the 'big one' earthquake will happen within 30 years. But who knows?!

    I really hope it won't be too soon. :/

    I'm scared enough with yesterday's quake!

  3. I've heard predictions ranging from in the next month to in 30 years. I'm going to wait for other people's answers also. I wonder WHERE it will hit too.. :|

  4. BY 2037!!!! ugh im getitng so tired of saying this. relax it will be quick and it wont be Los  Angelews it will be the desert to the west of us. so basically Los Angeles wont feel the worst of it but it will be likke 1906 in San Fran

  5. Scientists warn that with such a quake now almost statistically guaranteed, residents and state officials must focus on earthquake preparedness. Aside from stressing the importance of individual preparedness with things like earthquake kits and customized emergency supplies, special importance is being placed on building construction and ways to reduce the billions of dollars in damage that will inevitably result. More frightening is the fact that while a 6.7 has a 99.7% likelihood of occurrence, a 7.5 or greater has a 46% chance of striking in the next 30 years (WGCEP 2007 Report). These numbers are alarming. More importantly, they’re a warning. Now is the time to prepare.

  6. well from what i hear we should always b prepared no matter what because the tectonic plates have been pretty quiet ....the BIG one is unpredictable but keep an animal around they can sense earthquakes .....the signs are the birds disappear and dogs start freaking out  and they try to run away if you have a pet   always keep them with you , when you feel the earthquake don't panic and freeze if you are near the house exit go to the front and make sure no tall tree's or electrical poles are there stay there until you hear that there's no more after shock warnings, but even though you may think its over after shocks can last almost forever so always be ready !

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