
When is an Earth sign ever NOT there when you need them?

by Guest56402  |  earlier

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I'm noticing more and more that the people I can REALLY count on in my life whenever I need them are the earth signs Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus.The Air and Fire signs are off experiencing and crashing into people and things, and the Water signs are often times so wrapped up in their own feelings to give matters much thought (unless you catch us on a good day LOL). The Earth signs are the people that are there always, at least in my life. Even if they're busy for the moment, they will get back to you as soon as it is humanly possible. Less mind games, less wondering. Maybe I feel this way because I'm water and I'm compatible with them. They're my "rocks" to steady me when the waters get rough. What are your thoughts on the Earth signs? They seem to cause less trouble than the Air, Water and Fire signs and are hardly mentioned around here.




  1. Capricorns are reliable, I also think Pisces are the best listeners ever!

  2. pragmatic paople why  tread in to danger?

  3. Wow, very accurate points. I have noticed the same trends in water, air, fire, and earth signs. I have to say, I love earth signs :) I am one of them. I like how they are down to earth, practical, kind, and reliable.  

  4. Well not the earth signs I know.There narcissistic and mean! Water signs are always there!

  5. i agree with you, i had a tuarus best friend and she was a perfect friend in everyway, and always ready to be by my side when i was sad, and a capricorn i knew was like that too and virgos love to help..

    i find the same with piscies people, they have enough time for everybody, are selfless and are actualy the best listeners in the zodiac.. i also get allong with them better..

    i am not close with any earth signs but i would like to be :)


    scorp moon

    aqua rising

  6. That's a good point. The earth signs in my life have always been there for me too. To their credit, they do provide remarkable solid support to those around them. They are as sturdy as the Rock of Gibraltar and I have to admire that. I wish I was as anchored as they are, but we have to be ourselves, don't we?  

  7. I think I can agree with this. Now that I think about it, wholeheartedly. My dearest friend who moved to Ireland a year ago to be with the man she loved (we live in New York) was my rock for a good 16 years. Now that she's gone, she still makes it a point to be available for me WHENEVER I need her. I have her phone number and she's often online to talk to, and she will always pick of the phone despite the long distance to hear what I need to say and she'll give me the best words. I hope I do the same for her. And then there is my mom, the Capricorn. She is my mother, of course she is there for me! But she is strong minded, kind, and never, ever unavailable. And I told you about my Virgo roommate just before! In my experience, yes, I agree. I think they're a bit underrated because they're a little less flamboyant, airy, and upfront with their emotions. They're kind of just... there. But they're ALWAYS there. It's comforting :)

  8. I know exactly how you feel. All of my best friends have been earth signs. They are loyal and caring, and never difficult to deal with. They put up with my craziness and know how to handle things in a practical and steady manner. Definitely no mind games to deal with, and you can always be sure that they won't just up and leave you.

    That's important to me, because even though I'm an air sign, I feel much more like my water moon...I'm emotional and needy, and I need loyalty and security. My earth friends can be a bit possessive at times, but I'd much rather have that than deal with flighty, unpredictable people that you can never count on. Plus, they tend to be very mature, and don't take silly risks, which comforts me.  

  9. One of my best friends is a Taurus and she is kind of self centered. So I can't say that Earth signs are always there for me. I find more help from my Aquarius, Gemini and Libra guy friends then I do from my Taurus friend. I do have a Pisces that is a great person to turn to for advise. Its great that you have a better experience with Earth signs than me.  

  10. Never that I can recall.

    They're good eggs, earth sign people:)

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