
When is best to test for STD's?

by  |  earlier

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I was tested a couple years back and was all clean and had been with the same partner since then. Recently though, we broke up and I'm with my new boyfriend and I'd like for both of us to get tested before we go much further. We've already done basic things like kissing and fondling but that's it. Could I get an STD from that if he has one (and doesn't know it)? Also, should I wait a little bit before getting tested again, just in case he did give me something, so that it'll show up on the test? Or will it show right away? Thank you!




  1. I would get tested immediately (both of you) because it's better to be safe than sorry.

    Certain diseases may take three (3) months to get into your system and cause symptoms. Some may not even show symptoms. For HIV the window to test is from 6 weeks to 6 months. Even though it's very rare, people still have to test at 6 months. For HPV or herpes, it can show up as little as a week after. HPV is highly detectable--- Your partner cannot be tested for this yet because there's no tests for men. You may want to get the vacc. for it. The only two (2) STD's that you can get on contact are HPV or Herpes because it could be on the skin without a person knowing it. But otherwise, other STD's can be prevented if you use a condom, including HIV.

    Unless you have done oral with this guy, you don't have an STD from him yet, but just talk to him and tell him your concerns. He'll like the fact that you're really honest that you don't want to pass any STDs and get STDs.  

  2. one of the things u can get from kissing is oral herpes (cold sores). besides that there is not much u can get from kissing and fondling. herpes is one of those things that either of u could have and not know it. most stds don't show symptoms right away. some can lie dormant for years before u feel or have symptoms.

    if u get an std test done then any std that either of u have will show up. also ask them to test u both for herpes since some times its not included in the routine std test and get tested every 4-6 months just to be on the safe side.

  3. unless you had oral with him then the chances are slim. STD is a "sexually" transmitted disease. You can't just get it from kissing unless he touched your private part then he touched his and so forth then yea...I'd advice just wait for a while for symptoms to show up before you get tested but what if you're clean and hes not? Herpes may take up to 6 months before it show symptoms on males so best bet is...don't engage in a sexual relation with him (yet) until you guys get tested and the test shows he is infact clean. Good Luck

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