
When is congress going to wake up and give us an alternative energy bill?

by Guest60327  |  earlier

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Hay do you like seeing 4 dollar a gallon gas well that what they say we will have this summer. There is no reason for this Americans need to tell congress to get off their butt and get us some better cars and busses SUV and cars that do not get 30 miles to the gallon should be allow to be sold in US. Japan has them why do not we have them be cause American would rather have one that go 0 to 70 in 4.5 seconds Tell congress what you want.. May your voice be heard. The US Senate failed to renew the alteritive energy act. Instead gave oil more tax breaks. If you are driving a Hummer you are part of the problem. I not saying you should not have one for going some place that so rough you really need it four wheel drive. If you driving that by yourself to work everyday and you do not live on a road that is that rough park it.




  1. last time i looked, congress didnt build cars, or any other transportation system for that matter. and since it is against the law for government to own any business, they are not allowed to. as for an alternative energy bill, and forcing automakers to build higher mileage vehicles, i guess the bill tha twas signed into law recently by the president that requires the automakers to build vehicles that get an average of 35mpg by 2020 means nothing to you?

    as for what people drive, how about you drive what you want to drive, and let others drive what they want to drive. what business is it of yours whether or not i drive a big pickup, or my neighbor drives a large suv?

    if you are really wanting alternative energy, why not start your own corporations that develops alternative energy, or develops high fuel economy vehicles that meet the wants and needs of the populace at large.

    you are right, it does take money to start a business, thats what loans and investors are for. start by creating a business plan, and sell it to banks, and venture capital firms, and the government. they can all help with getting the capital you need to get a business going. but you need to take the first steps, you cant expect the government to do everything for you. this country was built on individual freedom, hard work by individuals, and taking advantage of opportunities opened up by situations at hand. you just need a vision, and then act on it.

  2. Congress does not create cars.  Industry does.  Tell industry that you want better fuel efficiency.  Simple process really.  Buy the cars which get the best mileage and don't buy those which don't.  Do nothing to bail out manufacturers and let the market work its magic.  Elementary survival of the fittest.

  3. Holy Cow Richard a Bill POSTDATED TO 2020 is suppose to mean something to me?  I guess I'll just tough it out for 12 years getting robbed every week at the gas station.  Not to mention that it will be canceled by then.   I'm not waiting 2 years or the concept cars shown this year, which if ever come out will be 45,000 or more.  I will be building my own piece of c**p lead acid battery car this summer since the auto makers don't get the hint as to what a lot of people want.  I wont be happy with it but you are right, if your not willing to take action your words have no weight.  This world is full of cry babies waiting for there mama to make it better.  We need action to force change.  Plan on the government to save you and you plan to fail.

  4. Here is a question for you,

      The US has proven reserves in Alaska, off the California coast, in the gulf are off Florida and off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina. We let special interest groups prohibit us from getting this oil and stopping our dependence OPEC, Mexico, and Venezuela. Why?

       Because all the Eco-freaks feel it is getter for us to pay $4.00 a gallon pollute the oceans with carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide from mega tankers bringing oil to the US. They force these alternate energy bills through congress on us instead of seeing some red tailed nit-rat moved or their condo view spoiled by a temporary drilling rig. The US can become energy self sufficient in less than two years if we let the oil companies do their job. I hate to pay $4.00 a gallon for gas, who do you think will pay the oil companies taxes? The consumer of course, just like we pay their taxes now. Sure it cuts into their profit margin a little, but in the end the biggest company that get the most profit from a gallon of gas is the congress (Right now about 50 cents a gallon) and they spend that on bridges to nowhere.

       Maybe Congress does not want us to drill in the United States they keep the groups who finance their campaigns. All those big powerful Eco lobbies and foreign oil companies that pay them a lot of cash to back them have a bigger say than the voting citizens’ who don’t write their congressman telling them to open up these reserves.

       Alterative energy, Why don’t you look back to the 1970’s and see how much a gallon of gas jumped the last time congress thought they knew how to run a business.

  5. I dont care what gas goes up to, i'm not going to buy buy some stupid hybrid or fuel efficient car, I love big trucks. and im only going to be upgrading to bigger ones

  6. How the he@# are you ever going to get all of those old hungover geezers awake at the same time?

  7. Alternative Energy will come to the fore if / when more and more people / "consumers" wake-up and smell the coffee...

    Our voices need to be heard!

    We need to say:

    We want CLEAN, SAFE, FREE energy NOW!

    Don't go for more of the same old...

  8. Buy the fuel efficient vehicles like hybrids or a motorcycle.  If we don't buy a lot of SUV's and trucks companies will make less.  Pressure your local energy company to put up some wind turbines or whatever is available in your area.  Use less energy buy solar panels do something you can't always expect the government to bail you out that is the problem with America we always expect the government to step in.  YOU take action.

  9. $4 gas is not expensive.

    ($4/gallon) * (12.000miles/year) / (20miles/gallon) = ($2400/year)

    Much less than 10% of median income for something of extreme utility.

    Talk to me at $10/gallon, inflation adjusted.

  10. you can lead a congressman to to the energy bill but ya got to pay them to write it! And it's got to a lot more than the one's paying them NOT to write it!

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