
When is cuba's hurricane season?

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i need to know, is it during the summer?





  1. Hurricane season runs fron June 1st to November 30th however that certainly doesn't mean you'll ever see one.  Check the site below it has an almanac for past years,

  2. hmm im not sure but i think it starts at the end of august-october sorta thing,  just missed one while a was there a few years back. have fun, its freakin awsome

  3. same as the Atlantic..because thats were it hurricane season already started..

  4. the same as everywhere else.   It's late summer/early fall.  Although, it is definately the best time to visit as resorts drop their prices so much during that time.  Just purchase an open plane ticket, so if you find out that one is on it's way in you can leave a bit early.  You will never have a hurricane sneak up on you.  There is always warning and tracking.

  5. For Cuba, hurricane season starts June 1st all the way to November 30th.  That long.


  6. June-October

    The entire Caribbean basin is affected by an annual hurricane season (June-Oct), with September and October having the highest number of hurricanes.

    But don't worry, Cuba is very protective of its citizens and tourists. If there is any chance of a hurricane, the highest safety measures will be taken...I go to Cuba during these months and have never had a problem. It's a great time to's rainy season but it never rains that long...only a few minutes in the day if it mostly rains at night.

    Have a great time in Cuba!

  7. . In the USA it is  Officially June 1 through to December 1 however they can happen before and after those dates.  I am sure that Cuba does not look at the same calender dates as the States for weather patterns but since they are in the same boat so to speak, we can assume that the weather is going to be pretty much the same there as it is in Florida more or less

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