
When is da war between russia n georgia gnna end??

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When is da war between russia n georgia gnna end??




  1. when the U.S. whoops Russia  

  2. it just started, and when are you going to learn how to spell.  Is it really that hard to type the instead of da, and instead of n, and gonna instead of gnna

  3. Um it just started, literally, like yesterday.

  4. The US and Russia both have a lot to win and lose as the other. I don't trust American or Russian media with their stories and I sure as h**l don't trust Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle but what I do know is that the exaggerated accounts of WW3 starting from this incident aren't true. NATO is going to talk this one out with Russia, The US is going to try and resolve this without military force because the last thing the US needs is another military conflict. I am not saying that the US Armed Forces wouldn't be able to handle the situation. I am just saying that the US won't bother and the situation should stabilize in the weeks following the Olympics.  

  5. When Russia anex's it and OR establishes that Georgia will not join NATO and must capitulate to Russian demands. Georgia cant win and the west wont help because we need Russia on board for Iran. The Russians are mad we recognized Kosova as an independant nation and so feel threatened as if we are going to surround them by NATo. So Russia invaded Georgia with the present excuse of aid Guerrillas in the breakaway region, because they want to ensure it doesn't join the west. Knowing full well we couldnt do anything about it if we still want thier help with Iran. GOOD politics on Russias part, bad luck for Georgia, shame on us democracies and free people around the world allowing our brothers and compatriots of freedom to fall under the might of Russian imperial tyranny alone and friendless when they backed us up in Iraq.

    Remind anyone of Hitler attacking Czechoslovakia to liberate the German people their??????

  6. As soon as Georgian troops leave South Ossetia breakaway region.

  7. I believe as soon as Putin secures Georgia for his own once again. If he fails to do so now, it will be his last chance ever, because there will without a doubt be an American Base there post haste. Not to mention a formidable missile defense system.  

  8. Most probably when the Olympic Games ends. They can do whatever they like in there..the rest of the world is busy winning right now

  9. its not gonna end if the whole world watches it like that.

    Russia has always wanted to annex Georgia, but Georgia is democratic and independent country, it knows what it means to live in Russian Tsarism ( from Soviet Union years) and doesnt want it any more, Georgia fights fo its independance and the whole world should put pressure on russia.

    just imagine yourselves, you live in your own countries and as some HUGE and powerful neighbour wants to annex your country, what else can you do just defence ypurself and citiziens,,

    Im sure if it were any european country the whole world would protest it, but as its little Georgia, no1 cares even to stop watching of Olympic games,,

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