
When is hunting season and why doesent my dad like to take me hunting?

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I'm a 15 year old girl and I dont think he likes to take me hunting. He likes to take my guy cousins, his dad, brother in law, or his brother.

When I ask him to go he says "sure i'll take you." But, it always sounds like hes doing it just for me, and he has no interest in it. We hunt for grouse, geese, ducks, and pheasent. I dont use a gun. I just like spending time with him. We have a Labrador who is trained to point, flush, and retrieve. I work with her alot...

ALSO, when is hunting season, anyway?




  1. Hunting season depends on where you live. You might be able to find some information on regulations and whatnot here;

    Tell him you're serious! When I was about fourteen I started getting interested in hunting, mostly for the dogs! haha. We always had hunting dogs, but none of them were 'formally' trained-he just took them along. When I was about 14 I took an interest in it and started going along with him, decided that I wanted to have a dog of my own, formally trained and titled, to enjoy hunting along with me.

    Ask him when the next time he is planning a trip is, and if you can come along. Then, make sure to constantly REMIND him up until that date that you are indeed going with him-and that's that! Make sure he understands that you're serious and that you ARE going. Have you tried asking him why it seems you're always left out? I know my dad didn't really take me seriously when I first started getting interested in it...but I pushed and pushed and asked all sorts of questions about hunting and then went out with him a few times. As someone else mentioned as well-a trip to the shooting range is at least a good start to show your interest!

  2. He probably would love to take you hunting but many fathers/uncles/grandpas feel very uneasy about spending time alone and isolated with a teenage girl. There are far too many people ready to assume that something inappropriate might be going on and a lot of guys would prefer to just not take the chance. Or it might be something else entirely. He might have the notion that you aren't up to killing an animal. Hard to know. You need to talk with him frankly and openly about why he's hesitant about taking you and see if you can work something out.

  3. (Q1. When is hunting season?

    (A1. It depends on your state and the species you want to hunt. You should check your state's Department of Natural Resources web-site or pick up one of the pamphlets they put out. (Those can usually be found for free in stores selling sporting goods.)

    (Q2. why doesn't my dad like to take me hunting?

    (A2. Honestly its hard to say. Your dad may simply think because you're a girl you're not interested. Or he may think its a guys sport. Or he may want a little time to himself. Or maybe he just wants to spend some time with the guys. You need to ask him to find out why he doesn't seem to want to take you hunting.

  4. I think it has to do with the macho guy thing and your daddy's little girl. His image of you is probably in a spring dress picking up easter eggs.

    Be patient with him.

    Invite him to go hunting, don't ask to go with him.

    My 10 yr old is now nagging that its getting close to hunting season.

    So she gets to go again. She is the only one I have so she is more of a tomboy than a girly girl

  5. Maybe you should try actually hunting with him; taking someone along on a hunting trip who isn't planning to hunt is pretty boring.

  6. It is probably just a guy thing ya know?  All that male bonding.  Men talk etc.. I wouldn't take it personally.   Maybe tell dad what you have said here,  that you like to spend time with him.  I think he ought to let you go with him sometimes.

  7. Dont know when your season is , cuz you didnt say where you live.

    As far as the hunting with the guys go- I can tell you from my experience,  I'm and only girl with 3 brothers. My dad and brothers, cousins uncles EVERYONE got to go hunting and i wanted to go too.  I sat and talked with my dad, took the hunters safety class and educated myself as much as I could with books etc.  When he saw that I really was interested, he took me to the rifle range, and we practiced. He also taught me to shoot a bow and we did target practice with that.  

    Once I had the confidence we hunted and I got a nice buck my first time deer hunting. (bigger than the boys)  Sitting side by side with my dad hunting is still one of my best memories.

    The down side is though, Men sometimes like to go off and do there "guy things" and hunting is one of those things, as a girl sometimes the guys dont accept that too easily. It stinks but if you think that is the case, maybe ask your dad to make some time for you to hunt with him.

    I'm grown with grown boys of my own and when its deer hunting season, I am happy to let them go opening weekend, and I go up later.  

    Just talk to your dad and tell him how you feel.

    Hope it helps!

  8. Maybe you just surprised him with your desire. Back when he was a kid, girls hunting was probably unheard of, so he was just surprised about your interest.

  9. Have a little sympathy for Dad. Most Dads are uncomfortable with daughters after a certain age,

    It could be that he likes some guy stuff time with the guys. I wonder though why you don't join the hunting? It might make a difference.

    BTW. I am a 49 yr. old Dad with a 21yr. old daughter. I did not know that when she was younger she wanted to fishing with me and her brother. Until her Mom told me when she was about 15. Just never occurred to me that she would I am sorry to say. I would have liked it very much. I was always there for her dance classes and Girl Scout activities.

  10. hunting season is generally in the late summer to fall

    Thing is when he takes the guys hunting, they are going HUNTING, you are not, you are just along because you aren't really hunting.

    So why are you going along hunting if you aren't going to hunt anything? Time with your dad of course.  I suspect you like to talk when you are with your dad.  Some fishermen don't like it when you talk while fishing, it scares the fish sometimes.  Many other anglers don't mind, realizing it will only scare the very closest fish away.

    However, while hunting (depending on what kind) talking can scare animals away for miles around.  This is especially true of duck and geese hunting, deer hunting, and elk hunting.  For pheasant and grouse, where you are stomping around in the field, talking is no big deal at all...however, to be a good pheasant/grouse hunter you have to be VERY alert to get the gun up and shoot in the 2 seconds before the bird is out of range.

    If you are talking, it is hard to be on the alert for birds.

    I suspect that if you had to be with your dad all day but swear a vow of silence you'd get bored quickly.  I suspect your dad likes to successfully hunt, so while he likes to talk while fishing, talking while hunting is too much of a hinderance.

    You can always tell him you realize you need to be quiet and will only talk to him in the truck as you go from hunting spot to hunting spot and as he gets set up.

    or you can tell him to buy you a gun, you want to fully experience hunting AND you won't talk except in the truck or when getting set up.

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