
When is hurricane gustavo coming? a certain day?

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i want to know because its a catagorie 4 and thats the 2nd badest and i live in houston so i might be going to my aunt in tomball when is a certain day we should go?




  1. I would leave now.  The traffic is horrendous.  Leave and be safe.

  2. 2 p.m tuesday

  3. Actually, the hurricane will probably hit sometime on Monday. It's bigger now than they originally planned it to get, and it's moving faster. I live in East Texas, about 4 hours North of you...and we're getting supplies and things ready now. Because of all the evacuees that are heading this way. It would be wise of you all to leave as soon as possible. Make sure to take any pets that you have and take plenty of water and food. Also....make sure to keep your gas tanks full!!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  4. I would leave as soon as possible and no later than Saturday Afternoon.  It's suppose to hit landfall sometime on Monday.  I used to live in Pace, FL (By Pensacola on the pan-handle.) and when Ivan hit in 2004 we left 2 or 3 days before it was suppose to hit.  We went from Pace to Montgomery, and it took us around 6 hours... Normally it takes 2.5 hours.  It gets worse as the day/days go on so earlier the better.  Also, make sure you stock up on water, canned food, flashlights, batteries, etc... Because the stores shelves will be cleared out if you don't get them early enough.  

  5. You should leave today or tomorrow morning; Gustav is hitting on Tuesday morning, but changes can come up.

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