
When is it a good time to get a new car?

by  |  earlier

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hi, im gonna be a first time buyer. when should i buy a new car? i want a car thats feul efficient and lately ive been hearing about diesel cars and electric cars coming out soon and that they will have better MPG's and better for the economy? Should i wait till next year to get a new car or the year after that?




  1. your best bet is to wait until after the new year and buy....a new 08 in 09. I would stay away from the new hybrids, electric or even diesel if i was a first time buyer...good luck... ps i can tell by your letter that you are going to rely on the dealer..a a KIA or Hyundai for the warranty

  2. Buy a new car when you need one for transportation purposes.  There will always be new technological developments on the horizon.  Unless you really don't need a car, you can't keep waiting.  When you decide to buy, try e-mailing the Internet sales departments of dealerships to run an auction for the lowest price.  See the webpage below.

  3. There both bad choices, Diesel cars cost more to maintain than gas cars do,plus the extra cost of the fuel. Electric cars aren't much better.

  4. best time to buy a new car is at the end of ther year. so if you go right after new years. the dealer will be trying to get rid of all the 08's and you will probably end up getting a killer deal

  5. Although Diesel cars have the best engines, they cost as much or more than a hybrid and you have to put more expensive diesel fuel in it.

    Unless you are going to drive the car into the ground for 10-15 years and do loads of driving, then throw the diesel out the window due to the cost.

    If you will be driving over 15K miles a year and will keep this car for at least 4 years, consider a hybrid.  You will average about 45 mpg in a Prius and they are extremely reliable with proper maintenance.  Only downside is that you need to go to the dealer for maintenance and you are paying a little more for them, upfront.

    If this does not apply to you or if a Hybrid is too expensive, go out and test drive a Honda Fit, Toyota Corolla, Nissan Versa, Toyota Yaris, or Ford Focus.

    All of these are fuel efficient, reliable vehicles that will give you years of fun.

  6. According to my local consumer advocate the best time to buy a car is near the end of the month.  The dealerships are more willing to make deal because they are trying to make their quota.

    Diesel cars are hard to deal with in cold weather.  Without a certain amount of heat they wont start.  They do have a heater to help but it is still tricky.  Plus they are noisier and the fuel is more expensive.  They do have a higher MPG as a plus point.  If your car is of the non electronically controlled type you can modify it to run on straight vegetable oil.

    Please don't knock electric cars until you've tried one.  It's easy to sit there and say they are just glorified golf carts when most of them could be driving right beside you on the freeway and you wouldn't even know it.  Don't forget the oil companies and car makers don't want you to know that there is an alternative to gas and will say anything to discredit EV's.  EV's reduce pollution by 99%, are cheaper to operate and will work for over 80% of the US population.

  7. September is a good time of year to buy a car because dealerships are bringing in new inventory so you can get say a 2008 in september fo a used car price. As far as buying something new on the market I'd say wait a year so all the kinks are worked out of the design. Hybrids are probably the better choice for fuel efficiency.

  8. cars are pretty important. if you keep waiting for new technology youll find yourself waiting forever. find a good car with good mpgs and youll be alright...that or a bus pass. haha.

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