
When is it a good time to pierce your baby's ear?

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When is it a good time to pierce your baby's ear?




  1. When and if they say they want it done. You shouldn't do it when they are babies.

  2. Whenever you want.

    I did my first daughters at 2 months my 2nd daughter is 3 months but I have not gotten hers done yet.

    I don't know when I plan on doing it but before 1 year.

    I do want it done before she can reach up and notice them by the time she can do that I want her used to them.

  3. you shouldn't do it until they ask.  

  4. When they are old enough to ask you for it.

  5. What if your child doesn't want pierced ears? Wait until she can decide for herself that she'd like piercings.

  6. When they are at least 8 years old.

  7. when the chlid can say hey mom I want my ears pierced

  8. never

  9. When they are old enough to ask for it and clean it properly.

  10. i think you shouldn't Perice your child's ears unless they want it.

    my cousin got her ear pierce when she was 2 and wished her mother had waited for her opinion

  11. 3 months or later because babies at 3 months old are better able to handle common minor skin infections they might get.

  12. I had my daughters ears pierced at 3 months. If you're going to do it as a baby, do it before she can reach up and touch them.

  13. I think it is a good idea to wait until they are a little older. I have a 1 year old little girl and I am going to wait until she asks. If she is 5 or 10 it is ok with my but I want it to be her decision. My 3 year old son has expressed interest in getting his done ( which I am not sure about???) and I think he is old and mature enough to make that choice. SO I guess if my daughter asks at a mature 3 I will get them done then. I was 11 when I got mine done and I am glad my Mom made me wait. Anyhow that is just my opinion. I don't think bad about mothers that get them done on babies....they are cute. It is just my choice. Have a great day!

  14. anytime after their first set of shots til about 8 months. after that they would probably try to pull it out

  15. I was 7.  I remember getting them done.  My Mom told me that I was a big girl now and could take on the responsibility of taking care of them and keeping them clean myself.  I was feeling very grown up that day.

  16. when they ask to get it done

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