
When is it considered sexual abuse

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In a situation where the possible abuser is the boyfriend when does it cross the boundary of sexual abuse?




  1. whenever you feel threatened or have said no and he still forces you to do it then it's abuse. it could be a mental abuse like "if you love me wahtever" or physically force you to have s*x, go down on him, or anything is sexual abuse. if you don't want it he should respect it and do it himself if he wants it that bad, if he's forcing you to do stuff you either have to end it or go tell someone if he threatens you when you try to end it.

  2. If you don't want it and you tell him and he does it anyway. get away from him.  

  3. Probably when he wants to do something and you say No but he keeps trying, You shouldnt be in one of those relationships if you are it gets worse and worse.. and pretty soon he'll start abusing you more. i would get out of it as soon as you can.

  4. I would say if your just playing around it might be questionable. if he's touching you or doing anything more than touching without your approval it becomes sexual abuse.  

  5. whenever you say no and it continues would be sexual abuse

  6. If everyone understood the definition of NO there would be no sexual abuse.  that is the line. Keep it simple.

  7. When you say no and they continue what they are doing against your wishes, it's abuse.  Regardless if it's your boyfriend, your husband, your date etc.  NO means NO.  PERIOD.  

  8. any unwanted touch.  if she says shewants to be left alone and he persists.  that is abuse!  No means no and no can come in many forms.

    I suggest she becomes very clear with her "No's" saying "I do not want to be touched right now/that way..."

    I think being touched in any way that is uncomfortable or unpleasurable for her is definatly abusive.  If her feelings are clear and are then violated that is abuse!

    If this is on going and not an occational mistake/misunderstanding it is certianly Sexual Abuse.

    Look for sign of emotional abuse and verbal seems to run together...


  9. Anything you don't want crosses the line and is called sexual abuse.  

  10. anytime you don't want to certain things

    kissing doesnt count obviously

    but if anything happend that you not happpy

    about talk to someone

  11. When They Sexualy Do something To you And It's Not Okay With you.

    Such As Touching In Places your not okay with.

    Or forcing s*x, which also could be rape

  12. anything that is not wanted is sexual abuse

  13. I guess if the Boyfriend touches the girl/Guy Inappropriately. Although i think this can be considered sexual assault.

  14. If some one touchs you in any way that makes you uncomfortable its considered physical abuse.  People have been put away for *spanking* there friends.  With Today's overly strict laws and criminal justice system people can **** on other people for about anything so if your wanting to dish something in for your boyfriend you can probably do it but I would say figure it out for yourself first before you bring the law system in.

  15. When you say no or do not agree on what he is asking you to do.

  16. It is considered sexual abuse WHEN YOU HAVE TO ASK if its considered sexual abuse.

  17. If dealing with the legal def. of abuse vs assault vs rape vs etc - depends on age of victim, relative ages of participants, mental capacity of same etc -

    The moral answer is any time an action is taken without the consent or against the wishes of the other.

  18. pretty much any unwanted sexual contact, even if it is the boyfriend it's still abuse if it's unwanted...

    "Sexual abuse, also referred to as molestation, is the forcing of undesired sexual acts by one person upon another. The offender is referred to as a molester/molestor/abuser/sexual abuser. When the victim is younger than the age of consent, it is referred to as "child sexual abuse "."

  19. if the woman doesnt give consent to something sexual then thats abuse. but also if the man knows she really feels uncomfortable doing something and she doesnt really want to then he should stop even if she doesnt say no. this is still abuse i would say and taking advantage of someones weakness, ie not being able to stand up for what she wants.

    eg saying no and he acts on a yes....

    or even when its obvious the woman is uncomfortable and makes it known and the man still carries on what he wants to do. thats abuse.

    are you the woman or the man though and what exactly is the situation?

    noone should ever feel forced into doing something they dont want to do. sexual or otherwise.

    these actions can be permanently scarring. mentally and sometimes physically.

  20. Forcing you to do things. Smothering you, being controlling, making you cry and ask questions like this. When you feel un-comfortable, and when its hard to deal with. When you feel violated, or when you tell him to stop he doesnt, when he forces you to do things.

    Good luck!! Get out of that!! Dont let him hurt you!!

  21. if he does things to you when you are saying no and pushing him away thats sexual abuse , if you suspect him then dump him and call the police

  22. Im not sure i think that you should talk to someone you trust (if youre a teen) if youre an adault just go to the local police office and ask them. they should know. hope i helped

  23. Anything unwanted and still put on you is abuse.  You're not his property....even married couples still have boundaries.  If you feel you're being abused and he still doesn't back off...I'd call this thing off.  Could be that he's really immature and thinks it's cute or funny...hard to know without any more details. Just giving him the benefit of the doubt.

  24. As soon as you don't like what is being done to you!! Its your body and nobody has the right to touch you even if he is your boyfriend.  

  25. If the person says no, and the 'abuser' continues, or if the 'victim' is incapacitated (very drunk for example) and unable to give or refuse permision.

    Also can be flexible in intreperating that if the 'abuser has been threatening violence or actually being violent and the 'victim' is to scare to or been told not to say 'no' or 'stop'.

  26. If you don't want it, and it is forced upon you it is abuse. You set the boundary. If you don't like it or want it it is abuse, get out of it.  

  27. You aren't being specific in the type of abuse you are concerned about, but date rape is still date rape, even if it is your b/f. If he does something you said no to, then it can still be considered an offense.

  28. anytime the word NO is said but the action continues, that is sexual abuse

  29. any and everything u feel uncomfortable with.;...

    ^^^now answer my question plz

  30. if you are having thoughts that your being abused, GET OUT OF THE RELATIONSHIP!  anyone, boyfriend, friend, ANYONE that touches you in any way that you don't want.....and you make it clear you don't want abusing you.  if you don't feel safe getting out of the situation yourself, call the police or


    thats a toll free confidential hotline you can call for help.  they can answer your questions

  31. it is sexual abuse when it is unwelcomed and unwanted.

    A husband can still rape his wife even though they are married.  

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