
When is it legitimate to compare a group to the n***s?

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When is it legitimate to compare a group to the n***s?




  1. When it displays one of these characteristics:


    *warmongering/genocide/ violence


  2. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and most importantly ACTS like a duck......

  3. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. If one acts like a n**i, they will be compared to n***s.

    There are many parallels of naziism to feminism. The n***s didn't start killing Jews (and others) AT FIRST but operated by means of lies, half-truths and innuendo, mandating special laws that furthered the aims of nazism - exactly as femism is doing towards men and boys today.

    Read some of Erin Pizzey's books about the way the feminista operates. Erin was a caring and courageous woman who was victimized and had death threat directed against her and her family for standing up to feminista fanatics.

  4. "When is it legitimate to compare a group to the n***s?" -

    When they think that "they" are superior to ALL men and women who dont believe in what they believe; and oppose/belittle/obliterate anything/anyone that goes against beliefs; and when they repeat the Goebbels act ever so often.

  5. Why wait until Genocide?  Isn't Gendercide good enough?  Btw, who owns the language & words.

    Why do some people have to be word n***s?

    When freedom of speech is under attack, that might be the first sign.  

    Do I now avoid using the word coffee because someone spilled hot coffee on themselves?  What other words are now off limits?  Can we please have a list of words women and men are not allowed to use?

    And who controls this ever changing list?  First words are becoming illegal. It's almost become illegal for fathers to see their children.  What's next?  Love?  I studied part of WW2.  Yes they are n***s.  

    They do, act, talk + think like n***s.  Here there are report monkey n***s.  They can't win by arguement so they delete perfectly innocent questions like the one below.  Yes, they are n***s

    of the most vile kind.  They already "kill" in the courtrooms.  

    Freedom of speech is next...and they are ready to go marching into everyone's living room and bedroom to enforce their twisted bullying tactics.

    n***s control freedom of speech...

  6. -mass genocide (Not literal genocide, but figurative genocide on traditional manhood and motherhood.)

    -racial supremacy (not racial, but gender supremecy. The SCUM mainfesto is feminisms Mein Kampf. Modern feminists were either influenced by the writings of a second wave second generation feminist, or they are bandwagoners that need a group to be a part of, so they don't feel alone.)

    -invasion of less powerful nations (Going into third world nations.)

  7. When they start invading other countries and sending people to death camps for belonging to the wrong ethnic group, having a physical/mental disability, speaking out against the fascist regime in power, etc., and not before.

    The horror of the n***s isn't that they were strident and shrill about their rules, it's that they murdered millions upon millions of people for stupid reasons. It cheapens the suffering of the people who lived under that regime to use "n**i" to mean "someone who tells me things I don't like to hear."

    I hate the phrase "grammar n**i" with the firey intensity of a thousand burning suns, too.

  8. I have been calling terrorists this for years

  9. Bro, I think that there is an underlying issue here.  Rabbi Michael Lerner and Simon Wisenthal have both criticised the Anti-Defamation League and American Israel Public Affairs Committee for being too sensitive about n**i comparisons.  n**i-like actions and beliefs are common enough in fringe groups but the very allusion to Nazism is considered a grevious insult.  All it takes is to claim offence to stifle debate.

    Similarly, and Anti-Defamation League is on record as saying that nothing, ever, can compare to the actorities comitted by the n***s, but that also does not allow a voice to the other victims of the n**i's: Magyars, Romanys, Russians, Poles, Slavs, Homosexuals, political dissidents and so many others.  It seems that they want to lay claim to when anyone can make a comparison to Nazism, and a claim that nobody suffered like Jews did.  This is a seriously non-PC view, and either of the two groups mentioned above (and I daresay, Rio) would most likely label this as anti-semitic.

    Yet I agree with Rabbi Lerner, who says that criticism of Jews, Israel, the culture of guilt in Jewish society, the culture of victimhood in Jewish society, and the atrocities and racism comitted by Jews are all questionable, as they would be if another group acted this way.  Free speech must not be hijacked by certain groups..

    Whether or not I agree that feminism has some n**i-like tendencies ( I have seen some of this, so I do believe it personally), it is not a crime to ascrible a cultural label to a behavior.  We do it with brand names all the time (in England, "vacuum cleaner" becomes "Hoover), and so we do it with behaviours.  Certain behaviours:

    1.  Radicalism,

    2.  Stifling of free speech

    3.  "Corrections" to language and expression

    4.  Loud demonstartive public displays

    5.  Social bullying and ostracism, often through the media.

    6.  Marginalisation of part of a population.

    7.  Lack of self-criticism, but avid denouncements of those who disagree with the party line

    8.  Maternalism (I really mean "Paternalism, but that does not seem appropriate here)

    9.  The assumption of moral superiority and demonstration of morals

    10.  The right to dictate terms in society.

    11.  The right to advantage certain parts of the population over others, namely females over males.

    12.  The right to discriminate and justify it without fear of censorship.

    13.  The right to have outrageous claims accepted as fact(eg: 3/4 of women have been raped) without the need to back it up.

    14.  The right implement discriminatory laws.

    15: The insidious progression of a movement, as the n***s did prior to 1933, into public affairs by bullying and intimidation.

    Should feminism be fairly equated with Nazism?  It does depend on who you are, your experiences with either Nazism and femnism, and your willingness to go out on a limb and be labelled for making the comparison.

    Do I equate it with nazism?  In some ways, but remamber that the traits I mentioned above are not unique to nzis, it is just that in popular consciousness, we consider these traits to be "n**i-like".

    The truth is that the horror of what the n***s did was acheived through lack of strong opposition in the 1930's, a systematic system of bullying dissenters and critics at this time, and a garnering of power to them.  The horror of the camps was a done deal long before the first Jew or Gypsy was confined in a ghetto or transported, and this was because there was nobody to challenge them early on.  There are some people today who believe that feminism does seek more than equality, it seeks, and acts, what the n**i's sought and acted like: the promotion of their group as superior.

    As Celtish, and yourself have said, if it appears as such, it will inevitably be compared or likened to it.

  10. When they appear to have qualities of so-said party.

  11. It would always be legitimate if you can compare in kinds that match.  Should the moon's bright glow shine in Naziland then why else would they or not.

  12. It's interesting how often people do this in their arguments--not just with Nazism either. If group A and group B share certain character traits, and group A is known to have a generally negative (or positive) reaction, then one will compare the two groups to elicit not-so-necessary generally negative (or positive) feelings about group B. I recently studied this same phenomenon with group A being American slavery and group B being American feminism. We seem to do use such comparisons all the time in our daily conversations. Listen for these comparisons in the next day, and see what I mean.

  13. When they engage in one or more of the following:

    -mass genocide

    -racial supremacy

    -invasion of less powerful nations

    Otherwise, it just shows how little you know about what people went through under that regime. Continuing to draw parallels after the fact is among the most insensitive things one can say.

    I saw your list of comparisons between Nazism and feminism. Those things have been done by HUNDREDS of groups, and you don't compare them to n***s. You were digging too deep.

  14. It's not unless you are familiar with the economic and social standing of Germany pre-world war two.  n**i is a word that is thrown around a lot but it shouldn't be.  It's also probably insulting to people who survived n**i Germany and their families.

  15. I think it's interesting how people, esp non-Germans, just off-hand compare social groups to the n**i party.

    I lived in Germany for seven wonderful years. I attended middle and elementary school there. The word "n**i" is not used lightly. Young children are taught about the holocaust and WW2 starting in third grade. The German people feel so strongly about the wrongs committed in their country, the slaughter of innocent people, the soiling of the German heritage... you will never see any German off-handedly comparing any group to the n***s. They take their past very seriously.

    I don't care what your beef is with feminism, or McDonalds, or the local police... when callous genocide of many innocents comes at the hands of the few select, only THEN may you compare them to the infamous n**i party.

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