
When is it normal to show?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 yrs old and 4 months along now, and before I was pregnant I was in a size 16-18 depending. And now my pants don't fit but I haven't gained any weight, I've actually lost 6 pounds since I got pregnant, is this normal at all? I didn't think women showed until a lot later, and I can tell my stomaches gotten bigger, but it just looks like I've gotten chubbier? Is this normal? I tried to ask my doctor when I went Wednesdays but she was really stupid and left the room before I could ask any questions.




  1. Everyone is different. Ilost 15lbs in the beginning due to morning sickness. At one point I gained 16lbs in 6 weeks :/

    Right now I'm 38 weeks and gained 30lbs. I started showing around 6- 7 months (that people actually noticed themselves). I was in maternity clothes at about 4 months I guess.

  2. My first 3 months I gained alot and was soooo swollen I looked like I was obese ... by now I have lost weight and all I have is the huge belly sticking out ... i was also a 16 before i got pregnant ...

    I was showing as early as 3 months ... but now there is no denying it ... my belly is huge!!

    unless your doctor puts you on a diet or tells you something I think you are fine ... Mine has never put me on a diet and in fact gets mad when I loose weight ...

    Good luck ~  

  3. I'm having this problem myself...i'm 15wks and actually have a belly...

    however, i was a lil thinner, but not much, and i know that the thinner you are, the sooner you start to show...Did you lose the weight from morning sickness? That's normal...i was blessed and did NOT get morning sickness, so i'm gaining weight.  But the important thing to know is that EVERYBODY is different...on average ppl start to show at 18-20 just be patient...good luck!

  4. everyone is different... but yes im sure your ok.. no need to stress.. you could go to a different doctor if you like...

  5. I lost 5 lbs at the beginning of my pregnancy too. it might be a littl while before you show if its your first. I am just now "popping out" and needing maternity cloths, and I am 16.5 weeks with #2. I started out a size 4, so, every woman is different. I know how much you want the world to know your pregnant, and not fat! It is frusterating when your cloths don't fit, but no one can tell.

  6. at the beginning of my pregnancy i lost weight too, about 5 pounds. i gained it back, and i now weight about 2 pounds more than before i was pregnant.

    i still fit into all my clothes, but I'm showing. I'm 27 weeks. I'm slender so but it still took me a long time to 'show'

    here's a pic of me at 15 weeks.

    here's a pic of me at 25 weeks.

  7. You are just like me, I was a size 16 before pregnancy! I am 6 months, and there is no denying now that i am prego. It took a while to not just look fatter. I lost a few pounds at first... now i have gained a total of 5 pounds from my original weight... i will be 26 weeks tomorrow! You are totally normal. :]

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