
When is it ok to admit being better then the person next to you?

by  |  earlier

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I'm curious, how often am I allowed to tell the person next to me, no matter who it may be that I'm better then them. And when is the most appropriate time (i.e. the mall, on the sidewalk, at school, at work, at home, in an airplane, on a bus, on a cruise, at the circus, at Red Lobster, etc.)?




  1. Never

  2. When you can safely tell the difference between "then" and "than," and use it correctly in a sentence. Until THEN, you will just look like a moron.

  3. see, the person who announces to other one about being better is a typical type and is surely not liked by ppl....A good person is the one who is down to earth, which means whether u r better than the other person or not, u just have to keep this thing in off is not necessary for the better one....

    on the other side, if any stupid person is trying to say that he is better, then better avoid.....

  4. Why would you randomly say that to a person you don't know. I guess it would be ok any time since you probably won't see them again. But you never know how the person will take it. Some might just say "s***w you". Others might go set their affairs in order and jump off a bridge.

    If you're bored, go for it!

  5. I think you should contact the Associated Press and do a press release.

  6. I bet you studied that book"how to make friends and be popular without really trying" I hope I never have the pleasure of being next to you anywhere.

  7. all the time! that's best pick up line out there! when a guy tells me that it just makes me melt. say it to your parents and any close friends, because they would want to know that they are in the presence of some one that is better than them. i say you head for the nearest orphanage, and let them all know what you really think. tell tim gunn if you see him at red lobster, then challenge him to a pokemon battle to prove it. also, when your in bed with somebody, they would seriously appreciate it if you told them that you are better at everything.

  8. When someone's life is at stake and you're a doctor.

  9. Whenever you're ready to be slapped.

    Pick your moments wisely.

  10. Why would you feel the need to announce your opinion?

    What a swell way to win friends!

  11. I would say never.  Sure, you can think it, but it's never okay to make someone feel bad about themselves just to make yourself look good.

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