
When is it ok to complain to your boss about a co-worker?

by Guest63621  |  earlier

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I have two co-workers, one who is awesome and one who is...not. We have been assigned a high priority project that is due on Thursday. My awesome coworker and I have been working on this day in and day out. Our other coworker has been surfing fantasy baseball sites and using chat rooms for the past two days straight. With just the two of us working on it we will most likely get it done in time, if the other helped us we could get it done early. If we continue as is, everyone will get the same amount of recognition when it is complete. My boss has had numerous complaints about him before and has yet to do anything so I don't even know if complaining at this point would affect anything but it would at least make us feel better. If we went to our boss would it just sound like whining?




  1. No its not whining...when a co-worker is affecting your ability to do your job,then the boss needs to know about it.He also needs to do something about it.If he is recieving numerous complaints about the same person,and isn't doing may need to go over his head and speak to *his* boss.

  2. I would complain if it was effecting company profits.

  3. why dont u just talk to ur co-worker ??

  4. Isn't the accomplishment or the good feeling come from doing the job well and on time?

    What have you and your awesome co-worker done to get the other co-worker to assist?

  5. I would go to your boss and if that does not work then go to  your boss's boss.  There is no reason why your job should be negatively effected by someone else.  Your other option is to not finish the project and when you need to explain why  you were unable to finish it, you explain what you have done on it and the awesome coworker explain what he did and then let baseball guy explain what he did. I know it sucks to not complete something but putting base ball guy on the spot like that might be your only choice if the boss isn't doing anything. Good Luck!

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