
When is it okay to break a promise?

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When is it okay to break a promise?




  1. If there was an serious emergency that kept you from fulfilling the promise, it might be understandable.  But you should always do everything you can to keep a promise.

  2. if someone's life is at risk...  

  3. Promises arent meant to be broken..they r meant to be kept..

  4. I would like to say never!  The reasoning being… if you cannot keep a promise then don't make one. However, I believe it would be okay when it becomes clear to you that keeping the promise causes more harm than breaking it. Also in situations when breaking the promise would save a life. Etc!!!.

  5. It is when, you are suffering from the promise made and you can get relief only after you try to break it...

  6. u can break a promise whn it doesnt hurt ny1 or their feelings..!! 4 casual., u can break a promise whn u think its okaie 2 do so..!! But a man never breaks his promise in ny circumstance..!!!!

  7. Lol. ASAP. =D

  8. noway.. don't ever try to do that... just be with your words...

  9. when someone would get really hurt

  10. When it's necessary.  You'll know when you need to- when it's important enough to you.

    Good luck.

  11. when it doesn't make sense anymore to keep the promise

  12. when its a life and death situation

  13. Well when it can put someone in danger.Like example- if your friend said "omg my dad said he's gonna kill me but promise me you won't tell". even if you had made a promise before she told you what it was, that's totally different. If it's a life or death situation, then uhmm yea you can break a promise.

  14. when u are in emergency to tell someone something that means way more than just a promise.

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