
When is it okay to let my baby sleep fot 11 hours? ie drop the 10 pm feeding? Baby is 3mo. old and weighs 14?

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I'm breastfeeding my 3mo. old and am currently on a 7,10,1,7,10pm feeding schedule. This is my second child, i just can't remember when it was ok to drop the 10pm feeding. I've been blessed with this baby, i know she'd sleep if i let her. I also have a 21mo. and i'm desperate for those extra couple hours of sleep since naps for me are impossible during the day. Thanks!




  1. I was told that once daytime feedings were established and that my boys were getting enough milk during the day that there was no need to wake them up for a feeding as long as they were staying hydrated and gaining weight.  I think at 3 months they were still waking up once or sometimes twice for a feeding but they weren't that great at eating during the day either.  

  2. If your baby wakes for a feed the best idea is to feed that way she'll settle quicker and you hopefully will get more sleep yourself. And if bubs doesn't wake don't disturb her that is as long as she doesn't have any medical reasons to do so. She'll let you know if she needs you!!  

  3. I think 11 hours maybe pushing it a little bit. I would try and shoot for 6 hours first than go to 8 . 11 hours is a long time between feeding and baby's stomachs are so small and they need a lot of nutrition in the first year so they can grow cause they grow a lot. I know babies can be so hard to figure out and you want to do what is best for them and for yourself. I have 2 boys 7 and 9 yrs old and another boy on the way in like 2 weeks and I am still nervous about the baby and with my to oldest. parenting is such a hard job don't forget to reward your self for doing a job well done.

    good luck with your child and take care

  4. My baby is 3 months old and weighs 12 lbs. She sleeps about 11 to 12 hours at night. Her last feed is at 7pm. Occasionally she will wake around 10pm for a feed but if she doesn't then I let her sleep. She has been doing this for about 4 weeks and has continued to put on weight and be happy.  

  5. My daughter started to sleep 10 straight hours at 7 weeks old.  However if your baby is waking up to be fed you should fed him/her.  And you do need to feed him/her a bedtime bottle.  My daughter is now 8 months old, there has been a few times where she has waken up, mostly during a growth spurt, to eat.  

    *If your waking him/her then you dont need to, just let them sleep.*

  6. It's okay to let the baby sleep for 11 hours if she dos it on her own. Babies will wake when they are hungry and if your baby sleeps for 11 hours at night then I'd let her do it. Feed on demand. If baby wants to nurse at 10pm then feed her. Don't wake her up if she's sleeping though. 14 pounds for a 3 month old sounds like a pretty healthy weight so I'd let baby sleep as much as possible and feed her when she's hungry. If you're ready to drop the 10pm feeding you can start cutting back how much you're feeding her to essentially wean her off of it. Otherwise she'll drop it when she's ready. My daughter is five months old, nurses around 7:30pm and sleeps 10 - 12 hours at night without waking again to eat. When she was 3 months old she woke around 3 am to eat. Babies sleep patterns change a lot during the first few months so my best advice is to go with the flow as much as possible.

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