
When is it safe to have you baby's ears pierced?

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My husband and I want to do it while she's young so she won't back out when she's older with only one done (I did). but what age is best and where would I got to have her ears pieced as an infant? Thanks




  1. Well most places won't do it until they have had their shots and such. But ask some friends or other parents You may find a place that will do it around 4-6 weeks. My daughter is 3 weeks old and in about 3 weeks I am getting her ears pierced too. I want to get it done when she's young so she won't remember the pain and so people will know she is a girl before they ask crazy questions (I've had her in ALL pink and people still ask if she is a boy.. lol)

  2. Sorry, but I hate it when people get babies ears pierced.  I think that's something that kids should have a choice on.  Maybe she won't want her ears pierced.  Lots of girls/women don't have them done.  My daughter didn't get up the courage until she was 12.  Then, I took her to a place where they do both ears at once- they do have them.  

  3. I just got my babys ears pierced and she is 3 months old. A lot of stores have a new policy that they will not pierce until they are 6 months old. I went to Peoples Jewerally and they said as long as she has had her first vaccinations its okay. It was really sad to watch but she was fine after 5 minutes.  

  4. Oh gimme a break!! So she won't "back out" Uggh. Wait until she's old enough to ask for them. Also when she's older they can do them both at the same time to make it easier for her. Earrings don't belong in babies. An earring could fall out and be ingested or inhaled, earrings could cause infection and get snagged causing permanent injury to the earlobe and they look tacky on a baby anyways. Before you decide to mutilate your baby and slam a metal post through her ears please think twice!!!!!!!!!!

  5. When she's old enough to ask for it.

    You now have the option of getting both ears pierced at the exact same time, that way there is no worries about "backing out." So, let her decide when she wants jewelry in her ears. Plus, it can be a great daughter/mother bonding moment (daddy too) when she's older. Not a time where mommy has to hold a crying infant that has no idea why she just got hurt.

  6. Why?  Why can't you just wait until she wants them for herself??

  7. My mom had mine pierced when I had my first shots as a baby. The doctor did it and I was fine. I'm 19 now and I'm glad she did it when I was young so I wouldn't back out. Also, I think it's really cute when I look at my baby pictures and my ears are pierced in them. I'm three months away from having my first child, a baby girl, and not sure of whether I'll get her ears pierced or not.

  8. Some doctor offices pierce infants ears, so ask your doctor if they do, or if they know of an office that does. Personally, I would wait until she is older and can decide on her own if she wants them pierced, and when, and if it hurts when she is 10, it will hurt now too. But just ask around, it's safe to get them pierced at any time..

  9. I took my daughter to get her ears peirced when she was 2 months yeah like after her two month shots.

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