
When is it the correct thing to flash your headlights?

by  |  earlier

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Under what circumstances in traffic situations, is this a suggested practice? Perhaps if your intention is to warn incoming traffic of a situation they need to be aware of...





  1. when you want to get another drivers attention for whatever reason

  2. You should never flash your headlights -- automatically or manually -- to warn other drivers that they're heading into a speed trap because in all states this carries a step fine.

    I would recommend that you never flash your light but rather used your emergency lights for a warning devise.

    Also flashing your headlights can be grounds for impersonating a police officer in many states.

  3. That's something you'll have to check your local laws about. Usually the only time I do it is to let people know they can pass me and i'm going to slow down. I know in some states it's illegal to flash your headlights because you are distracting other drivers.

  4. to tell others of cops or if there high beams are on. or if following to tell them to pull over.

  5. When it's dark, dusk and the on comming viechel do not have it's lights on.

  6. to tell other drivers of cops they have seen. I know in some states it is illegal to flash your lights for any reason, so be careful

  7. To warn others about they don't get pulled over :)

  8. idk i dun drive..but i watch my driver a lot so i can learn. he does it when its like really dark and he is turning and someone is coming the other way he flashes them to let them kno he's coming! also when a person has there bright lights on and they dun realize it so he flashes them so that they would turn them off.

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