My daughter is 14, and wants me to give her up to be adopted by her step dad. I have done everything in the world to be a good parent, but, with her mom, it makes no difference. Her mom has done everything from telling her I am not her real dad, to calling the hosp on the birth of my first son to cuss out my wife then for having my kid. Her mom lies to everyone saying I do not pay Child support (I have even showed her current husband the print outs of the state web site showing how much she got), to telling flat out lies about me. She smoked dope with my ex wife, and even had two pot heads tell her that me and her current husband could be made to disappear for a quickie (ex wife got scared and told me and a detective). I have 6 kids total, and I am really trying to make a family work. Her mom has cussed out everyone I have ever dated or married and told her I put them in front of her. Long story short. I am thinking about giving up, so my daughter will not be hurt by it anymore.