
When is it time to pick pumpkins?

by  |  earlier

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Some of ours are already beginning to turn orange! It seems a little too early. When should I harvest ours. I didn't want them to rot on the vine, so I put a wood plank under each one to get them off of the ground.

I am new to growing these, so I'd love to hear your advice.




  1. i think early october is like the best time.

    maybe late september it really depends

  2. In the Fall the skin of the Pumpkin will harden to the point that your fingernail won't penetrate the outer shell. About that time the stem will start to crack. When it is the color you desire pick it.

    No, the color the pumpkin is when it is picked is the color it will stay until it is used or decays.

  3. you don't have to do anything with them.  They won't rot on the vine.  the vines will just die off and you can then cut off them off the vine.  They will turn yellow as the season does on, it is very early for pumpkins.  They won't be ready for 6 weeks or so.  Go luck.  (hint, toast the fresh seeds when you make jack o' lanterns, there great.)  

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