
When is it to late in life?

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to start a romantic relationship. Is age a barrier?




  1. NIck, if you are healthy, I do not believe that it is ever too late to start a new romantic relationship!    I just hope that the lady in question is healthy too!    Have a star!   Good Q.   And BTW age is just a number!


  2. When you stop breathing, then its too late.  Otherwise, go for it!  I just recently ended a years relationship.  He was 38.  It was fun while it lasted!  I'm 52, healthy and still hopeful!!

  3. A long as you are half way healthy and find someone you really care about, age makes no difference. If two people are in love and they want a romantic, age is no factor. Many older couples get along better than you younger ones.

    To answer your question, I do not think it is ever too late to start a romantic relationship. As long as I can take a breath and someone will have me, I will keep on looking.  sm

  4. There is no such thing. I am not as good as I once was, but I am as good once as I ever was.  The biggest and best Big O of my life, which is a loooong time, was within the last year. But the biggest issue is the inspiration you receive from your partner, especially if she has gold flecks in her eyes. So take that.

  5. when you'r dead .

  6. Never.  My boyfriend's father is over 80 and started a relationship with a lady he went to high school with.

  7. Well... I have a very good "local" example to give you.

    There is a lady who lives "nearby" who is 103 years old.  She got married at age 75!!!

    You know, I'll bet she outlived her husband!!!

    Have a Senior day.

  8. It's never too late.  If there's a problem with the physical aspect of a relationship, then you don't have to do the physical.  There's more to a relationship than that.  Besides there's meds now to help with anything.I know a lady that was 86 and she married a man 88. Grant it they only had about 4 years of bliss before he passed but it was the happiest 4 years of her life.  She passed a year later and was still happy for having had him in her life.  So go for it and don't worry about AGE.   After all age is just a number and the heart is a real beating organ.

  9. It's never to late

  10. no

  11. NEVER!! I just found the love of my life at age 54.Please do not limit yourself.Life and love are worth the risk and the older you are, the sweeter it gets...all it takes is a bit of courage....

  12. Never my dear.  Always remember that age does not protect you from love. But love, to some degree, protects you from age.

  13. age is no barrier

  14. No, i really don't think that age is a barrier. Romance hits anywhere and anytime, I think we are lucky that it can be that way if we want it.

    Peace, love and chocolate, lakers

  15. Never. No.

  16. hi . i think its never to late to fall in love . i may be a romantic , but it sure makes my heart warm when i see people much older than i , walking hand in hand and even giggling together .

    great to know that there is always a new possibility for people .  take care . d.

  17. I guess being in the grave would be a bit of a hindrance but anytime before that is fair game!

  18. As long as you are on the right side of the lawn it is not too late.

  19. when you have alzheimer's and can't remamber where your privates are.

  20. it is never to late, good luck.

  21. age is not a barrier, but that six foot of dirt on top of my coffin could slow me down a bit !

  22. It is never too late.  My friend of 59 just got married for the first time.  I also knew a lady who got married at 45 for the first time.  There is no age barrier.  Go for it.

  23. NEVER.  My husband is 75 and I'm 50.  We met at work when I was 29 and he was 25 yrs older.  We just celebrated our 20th anniversay on March 20th. Soooo happy still.  ;-)))

  24. The only time it would be too late is if you don't act upon it and miss your chance.

    Dean Martin says it in his song, "Everybody Needs Somebody Sometime"


  25. It is never too late to fall in love.

  26. Any age as love will conquer all.

  27. Romance is for everyone, not matter what age. The only barriers are the ones we put up ourselves.

  28. I certainly don't think age is a barrier, and I believe that many happy couples found one another later in life.  

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