
When is it to late to get in aborshion?

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im 15.and i made a big mistake.I know that it is wrong and everthing and i dont believe in it but the dad dont want it and i cant do it alone so i have to.when its it to late,and how much believe me i cry every night and even the thought of it makes me want to cry now.but i need help so plese help.




  1. its spelled abortion. the best thing to do is to talk to your parents about it.

  2. After the 2nd trimester{{6 months}}

    and sweetheart just b/c the daddy's not gloin 2 be there and doesn't want doesn't mean its not possible..Dont let him make the decision 4 you..You have a say in this 2 and in the end your the only personthat can make the decision so make sure its what YOU want 2 do...

  3. In most places in the United States 12 weeks is the latest you can get an abortion. It usually costs around $600 to get it done, and I doubt you have that kind of cash laying around. Please talk to your parents about this. Let them help you. Also, think about adoption, it is always an option.

  4. Abortion, and well if you knew it was wrong why did you sleep with the lil boy that got you knocked up?

    You know that killing a baby is wrong even though it was a mistake I wouldn't have one because its wrong and well I believe that if you are having s*x willingly then you should except the responsiblities that come with it. The babe inside you didn't choose its parents.

    If you are so gung-ho about killing it then please keep you legs closed, babies are babies wheither here or not!!! I believe its after your second trimester that you cannot have an abortion at least that is what my daughter told me and she's a Medical Assistant.

    Good luck with your future decisions this is just one that you will have to make.


    My daughter has not had s*x ever and she is now almost 20 no kids and a virgin!!! She's gonna end up with the boyfriend/fiancee` that she has now!!!

  5. The second you were impregnated it was too late, abortion is not the answer, give her/him up for adoption if you cant take care of her/him...babies are people just smaller and dependant.

  6. when you know how to spell it

  7. Personally, I advocate allowing abortions up until the child is 18 years old.  

    Different countries have different laws; you don't say where you are from.  Most countries only allow abortion if there is some risk to the health of the mother and/or child.  Of course, that includes the mother's mental health, so your situation would qualify under the law in most democratic countries.

    As for the length of time - again, it varies from country to country.  Anything from 12 weeks (in the UK) all the way up to the 20th week in some countries!!

  8. I'm married.  I went to get tests done to be sure the baby was okay, and I know that I was going to be able to get an abortion when I was 22 weeks along, maybe later, if I wanted.  (Tests turned out fine, and so did the baby.)

    If you feel horrified about getting an abortion, don't do it.  I'm pro-choice 100%.

    You need to talk to your parents ASAP, or another trusted adult.  If you are too far along for an abortion, then you need to be having doctor visits so that you can have a healthy baby.  You need to eat healthy, don't smoke, and do everything you can so that the baby is healthy and smart.  

    Planned Parenthood is a great source of information!  Midwives usually offer good information as well.  Check the yellow pages.

  9. Here is how I see it okay if you aren't ready to have a kid then you shouldn't be having s*x!!! I'm 19 almost 20 and well I am still a virgin!!!

    What you are choosing to do is wrong because you willingly slept with the kid that is the father of that baby!!! Even though the dad doesn't want it that doesn't mean you  have to have an abortion, its your choice!!!

    I'm a medical assistant and I believe that if you want to have an abortion then do it. I don't agree with it because the baby is after all a baby growing inside of you. I believe after 3 months you cannot get an abortion, I told my mom it was 6 but well I was wrong!!!

    I hope that in whatever you do choose that you learn from this and don't get pregnate again!!! You shouldn't be having s*x I would hate to find out if my 16yr old brother having s*x because my mom and I have taught him better!!!

  10. Planned parenthood will not do it after 3 months where I live. There are clinics that will do it beyond that, but it is really expensive.

    If you do not want an abortion, then do not do it. If you are crying this much at the thought of doing it, how will you feel for the rest of your life knowing that you have done it? Do what is best for yourself. Some people can abort, and that is their choice. But if you can not even handle the thought of it, perhaps you should look into another choice, like adoption or raising it alone and with your parents. The dad can not back out of child support. Good luck, but please make the right decision for yourself. You seem so torn up just thinking about it, so do what is best for you. The dad has no part in this decision.

  11. In the UK it's 24 weeks (6months)

    In the USA it's lower, but I'm not exactly sure when. I googled it and came up with no certain answer. So, I'm guessing it changes from state to state.

    Go to planned parenthood, they will give you a reliable answer, and help you with your decision.

  12. In the U.S., it's 12 weeks, most places. You may be able to get one later if you are going to a private doctor. I think many places would require parental consent. Please do not have an abortion just because a guy wants you to. For your own well being, and the safety of that baby, talk to your parents. Even if you don't think you are ready for a baby, there is someone out there who could give your baby a loving home. Also, your parents may surprise you, and support you (even though they'll probably be pissed and disappointed).

  13. I dont know sure.. But the best thing you can do for that baby is to give up for adoption. There are couples out there that can't have children and are waiting to adopt a baby.. You can give that baby a good life you give it up for adoption.

  14. Well first of all it's called abortion...and it's not your only option.

    Many teen mothers have to do it on there own. If you don't think you can, give the baby a chance to live by putting it up for adoption. A family out there may not be able to have children and would give anything to adopt your baby.

  15. ABORTION,,,

    call planned parent hood.

  16. what you want matters to you know

  17. Well the truth is in most states its 12 weeks some later than that.I understand.I was a pregnant teen I had my son and it wasnt easy and yes you give up a lot but my son is 5 now and I love him to death. You have to make the decison for you .Not what anyone else thinks.How far along are you anyway?Do you know exactly? I am sorry you made a mistake everyone makes them in life some  a bit larger than others but you are a human being.I really hope you dont give up no matter what you choose.Dont you ever let anyone tell you that you cant do things in life or you arent worth anything because of this mistake. You keep your head held high pray to god and he will help you out no matter what. Find out how far along you are for sure

  18. its spelled abortion :]

    but normally 12-15 weeks from the time of conception is the latest.

  19. Do not do anything until you talk to your parents.  Don't try to hide the situation.  Your parents will help you make the right decision.  Sometimes girls go get an abortion without talking to their parents just to hide the situation.  An abortion is a very serious decision; one that teens are not prepared to make by themselves.

  20. Maybe your parents can help you?..You should think long and hard on this if its what you really may end up regretting it..maybe instead of abortion you could consider adoption instead..

  21. Hi Whit,

      Don't follow a mistake with another mistake.  If you know abortion is wrong, but get one anyway, you risk a lifetime of regret.  Being so young is a risk factor too.  Learn more here-

      You should NOT have to go through this alone.  There are so many caring people out there to help you out in your time of need.  Start by calling 1-800-395-HELP.  It's free, confidential, and non-judgmental.  It will help to talk out your feelings (which are normal!) with the hotline counselor.


      You are welcome to IM or email me any time at all.  This is not going to be easy, but it's doable.  Don't let others' negative comments get under your skin.  Your life is not "ruined"- dare to believe that you can have a child AND a future!

    <3 Kelsey

  22. you cant have an abortion after 5 months.

    dont worry itll all work out.

    your very brave


  23. Tell your parents and go to the doctor, i think its about 22 weeks that you can have an abortion up to. You obviously need help with this and shouldnt be doing it alone its too hard to handle by yourself.

    I hope everything works out for you and your being so brave thinking about an abortion, its an awful subject but i think in the right circumstances its the best decision and at 15 years of age its not fair on yourself to bring a child into the world.

    Please talk to your parents or confidentially to a doctor, good luck xxxxx

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