
When is mating season for cockatiels?

by Guest32870  |  earlier

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My cockatiel wasnt the same bird last night. I couldnt do anything without getting bit

so I put him in his cage last night.

Today I noticed he has found a lamp the he is tryng to mate with

how long will this last?

I have had him for a year and this is the first time he has showned this behaviour




  1. When they are awake..... lol They don't have a season they can breed year round and do if you let them. One clucth after another...

    This is part of owning a bird.... Don't get a mate for it unless you want babies

  2. usually in the spring into the summer months but they do mate all year around. i would not get a female inless you want babies

  3. ALL YEAR!

  4. You may find that your tiel will lay eggs even if she doesn't have a mate. If this happens leave the unbroken egg in the cage with the bird. She will probably lay several. Just be sure she has plenty of cuddle bone or another source of calcium. Other wise it eggs will deplete her calcium and the bird could become egg bound. After a time she will no longer be interested in the eggs and you can remove them with no problem. If any of the eggs are broken when she lays them remove immediately so she isn't exposed to bacteria.

  5. It is possible for them to lay one clutch after another. I know I have several hens. It is not healthy for them to lay more than two clutches a year though.

    I take steps to try and prevent more than one clutch. It takes a lot of calcium, vitamins, etc., not to mention energy from the hen to hatch a clutch.

    I cover their cage 14 hours a day limiting the light; that way they don't get bored and think it's time to breed.

    Mine birds usually do the mating ritual in March, June, and August; then leave the hens alone in the winter when there is limited day light

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