
When is my stimulus tax coming,i filed my tax for 2007,my last 4 digit of my SSN is 4785.?

by  |  earlier

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i want paper check




  1. Paper Check

    Last Two SSN Digits: Payments will be mailed by:

    00 through 09 May 16

    10 through 18 May 23

    19 through 25 May 30

    26 through 38 May 30

    26 through 38 June 6

    39 through 51 June 13

    52 through 63 June 20

    64 through75 June 27

    76 through 87 July 4

    88 through 99 July 11


  2. Sometime around the first of next month.  You can punch in your data at the site I've provided and it might tell you more.

  3. you should NEVER give out your last 4 digits of you ssn.

  4. If you filed in time to be in this first round of payments, it should be in the mail to you by July 4.

  5. It will start to be processed at the end of June.

  6. Your paper check will be issued as soon as IRS sends it out.  Check the IRS website for the stimulus calculator the calculator will give you the amount you qualify for and when to expect the check.  Have your return with you when using the calculator you will need to enter some figures from  your return.

    Be patient it will be in your hands before you know.

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