
When is pokemon goin to end?

by  |  earlier

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i need help and i want to no if its ganna end after the gold and silver remake or mabye after the hit anime tv show! please anwer my question! ieed to no! O.O




  1. Pokemon is the roach of anime.

    No offense to pokemon fans.

    It just won't die.

    (Whether you see it a good thing or bad)

  2. You can't really say when something like Pokémon is going to end. It's probably not going to end anytime soon.

  3. its after gold/silver remake yes, dunno bowt anime

  4. pokemon will like never end theyre gonna milk this cash cow till its all dust lol

    IT WONT END like the simpsons lol

  5. Hopefully never. Personally, I hate Pokemon because it is the same c**p over and over again, but Nintendo needs a cash w***e for the funding to crank out quality titles like mario, zelda, pikmin, ect. As you can see, Pokemon is essential to the livelihood of Nintendo.

  6. I completely agree with Megamanforce, they're going to milk the Pokemon series for all that it's worth. As long as people keep buying and watching they'll keep going, kind of like Stars Wars.

    However since they've resorted to a remake series it could very well be the end of Pokemon. Maybe they just ran out of ideas.

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