
When is "too little, too late" in a relationship?

by  |  earlier

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I think I am in this situation that it's too late to fix anything. However, I also feel that it's a shame to cut off because we have been together for 13 years and there is no third party.




  1. i've been with my husband for 5 years and sometimes i feel that way too, but i know that their is still love there and that is worth saving. the question you have to ask yourself is do i still love this man? is he still the same person that i feel in love with? and if you do still love him try and save the marriage, but if you don't love him anymore and things are too far gone to save then you need to let him know and move on with your lives. i mean chances are that you both feel the same way and he just hasn't been able to tell you because he doesn't want to hurt you.

  2. When my ex said to me (after the kids and i had come back from being away for four days) "Can you just wait till i`ve finished reading the paper before waffling on"

    I got a picture in my head of ten years into the future and the girls asking daddy to help them with there homework and him saying `can`t it wait until......`.

  3. too little, too late.   Can't make someone love you if they don't.

  4. When you have to ask yourself that ?, its gone and gone for good.

  5. To me too late is when you no longer put forth any will to continue.  13 years is a very long time and you probably both got caught up in everyday life, routines, and never really changed things up.  You forgot what made you happy in the beginning and it feels so long ago that you don't think you can return to some of those things.  Trying something to create a spark and have some fun.  Create an atmosphere to talk about each others wants and needs in a non attacking way.  Work on those things for each other.  

  6. I have learned that it's most generally when you feel indifferent towards your spouse. I feel that way with mine. However, I have to admit that sometimes, because I know the end is drawing near (I am going to tell him I want a divorce soon), I do care. I know there's no chance of me changing how I feel about our past (infidelity, abuse earlier, run-ins with the law, etc.) no matter how much he tries anymore. I wonder if it's a little fear after being married 16 years.  

  7. Can you at least let us know what happened to make you think that way?

  8. When you don't feel happy with him anymore.  When you dread the time to go back home and face him.  When you don't want to be intimate with him.  When all you think is of getting out.

    It doesn't matter how long you have been with someone, if love is gone, you have to leave, so you can both be happy again.

    I wish you all the luck!

  9. huh? More info please

  10. When you could care less what happens from day to day.

  11. It's sad. Cut and run. Don't look back. No regrets. Plenty of other fish in the sea. It was fun while it lasted, most of it. Fifty ways to leave your ex-lover. Go now cos breaking up is so very hard to do. Take your tongue from my throat, we're kissing goodbye. If you ever change your mind--Don't. Walk out the door- you don't need him anymore.

    Good luck. It only hurts until you find someone else. Make more effort next time.

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