
When is someone brave going to come forward to speak out for us all & sort out this country?

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I would but i`m no good at public speakin. We need a moral campaigner to start a revolution.. Come on, where are you. Clarkson, Connoly, anyone Help !!




  1. Unfortunately, people are too afraid to speak out. Free speech is a thing of the past. Many will be sacked from their jobs, and ostrasized for not following diversity laws.  We dont need anymore thugs, we need a group who can lift Britain back to its pride, who will fight our corner in a europe that finds us a joke and who will make punishments fit the crime.

  2. The BNP are here already and offer everything that everyone in this country asks for.

    Only the gullible few who have swallowed the New Labour idiot pill refuse to recognise the BNP is our only hope.

  3. If you  speak in public about the immigrants coming in you will be branded a racist so how the h**l can you speak your mind in the uk anymore  ???

  4. Hello, I'm hear in America and I'll tell you we had the same but not anymore. I'm a Grandma and I've never been prouder of the younger generation then I am now. When it's time to vote in your elections if yours are anything like ours get out there and do it. Let the clergy know how you feel but do it with dignity as that in itself will blind side them and won't be what they expect. It's your time to shine and for what it's worth I think you're right. Good luck to all of you and don't give up.

  5. This might help:

  6. i am your man,i have a Strong following i believe we should give the UK over to the Irish, and all will be well

  7. It's up to each and every one of us to get up and tell it like it is.  That is what is wrong..waiting for someone else to do our work!  If we want things to change we all have to do something.

  8. He's here now and his name is Obama. All we have to do is look past race youth and media spin and we'll see that.

  9. The trouble with what you ask is this already you have named two people who are recognised by many for their own fields of expertise.but who really would listen to them outside of that particular area they specialise in.for instance Billy Connelly has only to walk on a stage and its enough to make me roar with laughter.  Clarkson -drives- me nuts.I agree someone should stand up for Britain but, I cannot see anyone on the horizen.

  10. When we have p**n stars and crackheads as role models for the younger generation what can you expect, any body that does speak out is condemned or classed as a racist.But i feel like you

  11. I would like to see Delia Smith lead the revolution.  We would, at least, be well fed.

  12. Oh, go on then, you talked me into it...I will do it.

    So long as I don't have to deal with those nasty newspapery types who upset the archbishop...:)

  13. At the present time;No one!Especially when you have idiots like The Archbishop of Canterbury';Prime ministers like Gordon Brown who will not give us a referendom on Europe as he promised and Prince Charles who is only contented when he is talking to his flower pots running the show.;Finally what about Princes William and Harry who are night clubbing in Chelsea while their brave colleagues are in Iraq and Afghanistan!No!

  14. All those that dont belong here: SOD OFF. there you go job done.

  15. im not good at speaking out either. i think we're all like that. bloody sheep, the lot of us. we need to do something and here we are looking round for someone to do it for us. its not looking good is it?

  16. Hang on eastenders and coronation street oh then theres the daytime soaps oh of course Jeremy kyle!

    Then they have to agree with all you believe in not sounding so easy is it!

  17. Hi

    I think we should ask the power of the press, write to the editor of your fave newspaper, the governments have got rid of union opposition by closing down everything that had a strong union following, up to now the press have managed to avoid this, although the government has tried to stifle the freedom of the press on several occasions, the governments try to weaken the resolve of the population by divide and conquer remember they've tried to get us to turn our backs on, the people on benefit, people who drive 4x4s, drinkers, smokers, fat people...when are the government going to do something for us? which is why they have the job they've got, to serve us not turn us against each other.

    Ray. West York's. U.K.


    Why not come out to play with the rest of us instead of sending insulting e-mails and then blocking any reply? you'll never learn anything if you're not prepared to hear others opinions, ask your teachers. The conservatives shut the Pits, Labour stood by and never gave one penny to save Rover at Longbridge (but have given £55 Billion to Northern Rock) and Labour have just been allegedly investigated for receiving funds that haven't come through the proper channels, ask mummy and daddy if you can stay with

    the telly after CBeebies, the news is very informative, oh hum school holidays again .

  18. Don't worry Hillary will take care of it for you.

  19. Why even bother,pc brigade will shout hate crime at you,and for what?,sticking up for your own beliefs,now if you were johnny foreigner then it would be "welcome to the uk,say and do as you please,the locals will be charged as racists if they object"

    This is what you reap for voting right on labour/loony pc libs

    stand up and tell these bloodsuckers(mps)enough is enough

    dont vote for them

  20. I know there is a famous poem about a man not speaking up when people were being persecuted and then they came for him. I wish somebody would tell me what it was as I think it rings very true for today.

  21. You had someone brave and you drove him out recently because he asked you to do things which took sacrifice.

    You also did that to Winston Churchill one of history's greatest leaders and statesmen, too.

    England has a proud tradition of punishing her best.

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