
When is spring time in mexico?

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When is spring time in mexico?




  1. not sure but its always hot and feels good.

  2. Spring is from March 21st trhu July 21st

  3. the same time as the US...

  4. La Primavera

    In Cuernavaca it is always spring time and is called the city of eternal spring (5000 ft)

    Mexico, because of its highlands has the same 4 seasons as Canada and the U.S

    Mexico can get very cold in the (invierno ) winter because of its 7000 ft elevation.

    Specific Dates are different but there are four seasons although I wouldnt tell any one that it is winter in Acapulco in January

    La Primavera--El Verano Otono and Invierno are the four seasons

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