
When is sunset in vancouver?

by Guest62977  |  earlier

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does it get dark in vancouver really late? like is there still light out at 9pm? i'm looking at this live camera shot of vancouver harbor, and it's surprising to see how there is still light out!, when it's completely dark in so. cal!

here's the link for proof:




  1. Sunset in Vancouver today was at 2003hrs (8:03PM).  At the link below, they give the times for sunrise and sunset below the weather forecast.

  2. Today the official sunset was 8.28 pm By mid-June it stays light until about 10:30 and the sun rises at about 4:30 so the summer days are reeeeeeally long!

  3. Sunset and sunrise is roughly the same time in Vancouver as in LA, a few minutes difference in spring and fall due to the movement of the earth relative to the sun, but not much different.

  4. I live an hour east of Vancouver and it is 8:22pm, the sky is darkening and it will not be long before it is dark.  When I wake up at 5 am the birds are already welcoming the new day, and the sky is lightening somewhat.  In the middle of summer (summer solstice) the skies stay light quite late.

  5. It depends on the time of year. In the summer its 9 P.M or later. (May, June, July)  and it rises around 4:45 a.m during the longest days.  In the winter its 5.00 P,M.  and the sun doesn't rise till 7:30.  I lived most of my life on the gulf of mexico its fairly noticable to me. Even in the peak of the summer sun doesn't set much after 8 on the gulf. or rise before 5:30 here. So vancouvers days were pretty shocking.

    So long days in the summer, long nights in the winter.

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