
When is the FBI going to arrest SBW?

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or whatever uniformed police?

He's practically spitting on Gallops face by playing Union lol.




  1. pfft good on the people who respect him not you

  2. The FBI is from the USA. We don't give a c**p about rugby.

  3. 'Uniformed' police? I think 'uninformed' may be more correct .... lol

  4. Me & Delko are on his tail now, where shall we deliver him when we catch him?

  5. FBI have hanballed it to Interpol, who in turn sent it on to Scotland Yard who have asked The french foreign legion to intervene, they are busy at the moment, last time I heard Max and 99 were on there way to France, an arrest is inniment (sorry about that)

  6. When the NRL dies


  7. Go ahead, make my day Caine! I have it covered.

  8. SBW is f*cking IDIOT! Fair enough if ur getting offered more money but play the season out.. dont be coward!!! I'M SO OVER SBW... who gives a f*ck....?

  9. Outa da way Caine & Callahan, me & Gibbs have got this.

  10. so why would the french take any notice of tossers from the NRL. Since when did they show loyalty to players

  11. Good on him! 10 points to SBW

  12. actually the "men in black' are after him but will smith is to busy at the moment so they postponed the hunt

  13. haha michelle

    hardly anyone in the rugby league respects him because he just walked out on his 5 year contract with the bulldogs...

    there is a reason why there are contracts

    personally he should of atleast sat down and talked with the dogs first, and waited till the end of the season

    but what he has done will probably help rugby league fix its problems and it will be back to the good old days :)

  14. the nrl are powerless

    shows much of a joke nrl is right now

    melbourne storm is gonna win the grand final by 100 points

    they are the only decent team

    **(funny how all the good teams in the afl and nrl (and nbl) are from victoria)**

    and nrl only get 10,000 turning up to matches

    nrl are in so much trouble they cant even hold onto one of their best players

    while afl are flying. they got 67,000 to match IN SYDNEY, and it wasnt even a final

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