
When is the LHC going to start?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed has restarted their clock

but I haven't heard any news about a failure or a success in the past 24 hours




  1. I was just reading one of the web sites and didn't see any updates, except that it is now 32 days until activation!  Another one said 18.  Well, we all know that this was not the case a couple of days ago.  Gotta go look this up.

    If you remember, you and I discussed this some time ago and I know you were very antsy to see this thing get fired up. But apparently even Eri isn't aware of anything.  Okay, time to go do some reading.  Cuz I know you want to see evidence supporting string theory.

  2. It will be months, even years, before we find out if it actually did what we're hoping it did.  We'll need to make very sure we're correct before announcing anything.  

    But I think it would be really funny if it turned out they turned it on last week.

  3. Wikipedia states that 'The first beams are due for injection in August 2008, with the first collisions planned to take place about two months later.'

  4. i havent been able to find it anywhere, not even on the CERN website.

    i know its quite strange to get impatient with things like this, but i cant really help it. im just curious as to what its going to reveal. the higgs, the electronuclear force, supersymetric particles. ah! they need to fire it up.

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