
When is the USA going to protect its allies?

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We should have troops in Georgia right now pushing the russians out, and helping them rebuild. Instead all we do is tell russia how bad they are without putting any force behind our words. We would expect our allies to come to our aid with troops if we were attacked, but we can't do the same?




  1. Did Georgia help us when we went to Iraq?

  2. The US has been protecting its allies since 1917 - almost nonstop.

    Hundreds of thousands of US guys have given their lives to defend our allies.

    I'll bet that you want our troops to go up against one of the strongest militaries in the world only because you are too young to be part of it or to understand what the consequences of such an act would be.

    The very people who are so upset about our situation in Iraq are now asking why we don't go into Georgia.

    We have to try to end this Russian invasion thru pressure and sanctions- not force.

  3. Some country should come help Iraq to push out you americans.  

    I agree that Georgia should have help pushing out the Russians.  

  4. If we had them there you'd call us war hawks for sticking our noses in; America just can't win these days.

  5. well one of the problems is...we're already involved in two wars...

  6. to be fair its not as easy as that.

    if the US gets involved the situation is easily moved from a little argument to a war. if america joins then other countries will too and we will have world war 3 on our hands

    however, if it is left to russias devices both poland and georgia are at risk

    its a tricky situation and it cant be taken too hastily with words of pride and force. logic needs to be involved somewhere. sometimes its none of our business.

    america WILL step in because of their invested interest in georgia with the oil & weapons theyve been selling georgia for years. so dont worry, america will stick its nose in soon, scary times.

  7. Are you serious?  Georgia instigated the conflict.  And we are borrowing money from China and other countries because we are bankrupt, just so we can throw the money away in Iraq and Afghanistan.  We don't have the troops or the money to help anyone, even ourselves.

  8. How about the rest of the yellow belly's in the world helping

  9. i agree completely. we're just stretched kinda thin right now... it wouldn't surprise me if russia and iran got to be buddies though. both our little problems may become one.

  10. Georgia started it. It's not our problem. Russia is also an ally. It would be ill advised for us to attack them. If people like you were in charge at any time during the cold war most of the population of the world wouldn't be around.  

  11. All we can do is talk.  We are in debt of billions for dollars and our military is exhausted...

  12. when our allies don't go against our wishes and attack anyways, had they been attacked without provocation then we would be helping but the Georgians started this - so They are without the paddle so to speak

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