
When is the United States going to start minding their own buisness?

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US thinks they control the whole world or something... invading Iraq for no reason, now you have the clown George Bush warning Russia about their latest invasion in Georgia, lol. Bush should keep his mouth shut, go back inside the white house and choke on pretzels again, or play golf, the US is not going to go to war against Russia... why? They are too powerful, and US is already in war in 2 countries. US thinks they rule the world or something, time for a wake up call. Bush invaded Iraq... for what? he said for weapons of mass destruction.... so where are they? Never found, keep your mouth closed Bush, think before talking.




  1. He does what congress tells him. As far as Russia we don't fear them. You foreigners need keep your opinions to your selves.  

  2. Ah, this question goes back to our country's infancy.  When we become isolationist, the Hitlers of the world take on more than they ought be allowed.  If Hitler had been stopped at Munich, perhaps MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people would not have died.  It is easy to say this in hindsight, of course.  So the lesson that WWII taught us was not to let political maladies go too far.  We constantly vascillate between isolationism and intervention.  This is not because Americans are nosy.

    Bush did not declare war on Iraq because Iraq is different or because of some deep-seated love of imperialism.  Complicated matters, yes.  Saddam Hussein IGNORED 12 years of UN resolutions.  He constantly evaded UN inspectors for 12 years.  Now, if you have nothing to hide, why not just let them in?  If a child is defiant and a parent says, "stop doing that or I'll spank you", but the parent does nothing, what will the child do?  Saddam Hussein had 12 YEARS to show THE WORLD (not just the US) that he was not producing WMD's.  Bush did not declare war on him because he didn't like him; Bush believed the intelligence given to him, and he also suspected that the free world would pay horrible consequences for inaction.  Remember Neville Chamberlain with Hitler in Munich? Neville Chamberlain was the prime minister of England; considered a SMART MAN WITH REASONABLE JUDGEMENT.  Like a fool, he trusted Hitler's lies and signed away Czechoslovakia, proclaiming "peace in our time". The lesson learned is not to trust a madman.  What is the better thing to do with a tumor?  Remove it and have all the up-front risks of surgery, or just let it go and hope it doesn't get worse?  

    Does the situation in Iraq stink? Of course!  Do the American people have a hatred of Iraqis and long for their demise?  Of course not!  The USA does not relish in stirring up the hornets nests of the world.  This is such a difficult thing; but many people think, the right thing.  Basically, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.  Prior to the Iraq war, all one heard on CNN was the troubles in Afghanistan with the Taliban and/or how awful Saddam Hussein was to his people, and how the selfish world, "stands by and does nothing".  So we listen to the cries of those afflicted and try to do the right thing.  Take preemptive action so ULTIMATELY FEWER LIVES are lost.  Yes, thousands have died; it is TERRIBLE.  But the rationale is that each of those died to save millions. How fickle is our media!  Whatever is not being done is the favorable solution; do nothing to help afflicted people and we are deemed selfish. Help (with the cost of Allied blood) to improve matters for a people long oppressed, and we're deemed (ABSURDLY!) "imperialistic and war mongering".   If the USA is some nosy, imperialist nation, it is the most benevolent 'empire' known to world history.  Our country does not long to be, nor does it relish a reputation of 'international bully'.  We try to do what is right, just and humane.  We make mistakes; however, as an American, I feel so weary of the incessant international "shots" we take and how little credit we are given.  But what can we do?  We will always take the shots and continue to try to do what is right.  Tenacity of freedom/justice is what we are about; that will not change.

  3. 1. What country are you from?

    2. Many countries besides the US are warning Russia to leave Georgia

    3. There was reason to believe Iraq had nuclear weapons

    4. Just because they weren't there doesn't mean they never were

  4. Awww...its sad!!! Thats why we in america have so much issues because our goverment refuses to focus on the wants to help other countries and destroy.....its a shame. When will they get it......Its time to protect our homeland and take care of America!!! Minding our business

  5. Although I think Bush has done a poor job as President, the US is to be admired for trying to work toward a world that allows basic human rights for people around the world (although its not always done correctly or for the right reasons).  

  6. Bush didn't "warn" Russia. Where's your link to his warning?

    NUMEROUS countries expressed disapproval at Russia's actions and called for them to did the U.S..

    Why are you only mentioning the U.S.??


    Iraq had WMD...they used them against their own people...or were you not aware of this? Iraq had ample time to hide and/or remove the WMDs from Iraq prior to the war...which is exactly what they did.

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