
When is the best time and cheapest time to travel to France?

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When is the best time and cheapest time to travel to France?




  1. Back in 1994 I went to France during September. Off-season and the colder weather had not yet set in. Maybe climate has changed a bit in Europe since then.

  2. I can only write about Paris...

    May-June was a great time to be there weather-wise, but not the cheapest for accommodations or flights.

    January, February, and March offered more reasonable air fare and accommodations, but the weather was chilly and overcast.  

    As several others mentioned, the timing is dependent on exactly where and when you want to go.

  3. I always travel to France late April to mid May. The weather is gorgeous and the fares are still in low season rates. Air conditioning is a luxury in France so keep this in mind when deciding when to go. You could be very miserable if you go in the summer and find hotels with no-air.

  4. off peak seasons...I guess in winter ( but not in the ski areas) and maybe autumn and even early spring would be the for best I would go when its a bit warmer....but I went in Feb and while it was cool, it was not cold ( in Paris) but overcast a lot....I also went in August when it was quite warm, but a few more people around.....

    What do you want to go for??? You might find it suits you better to go in Spring or early autumn than say winter when its a bit cheaper....whatever, I'm sure you will enjoy it.

  5. It really depends on where you are going in France.

    Paris is most popular in spring, which means that it is also the most expensive season. In July and especially August, hotel rates are cheaper. Since urban tourism does not depend much on the weather, it can be visited year round. In the fall and winter when the weather is not as nice it is much quieter and cheaper.

    In seaside resorts, summer (July and August) is peak season and also the most expensive. Therefore it is best to go the last two weeks of June or first two weeks of September. It is then less crowded (but some activities or attractions may not be available). In the south of France, especially on the Mediterranean all of June and September are warm enough for swimming. (But the season may be shorter in the seaside resorts of the northern Atlantic coast).

    In ski resorts of the Alps and Pyrennées, winter is peak season, especially during the February school vacation. It is therefore expensive. Try to go in January for cheaper fares. The mountains are beautiful in the summer too and cheaper.

    Anywhere else, cities and historical sites are interesting no matter what time of the year but if you want to enjoy the outdoors and more rural areas, the best weather is usually in spring and summer.

    Vacationing outside French school vacations is about 30% cheaper. The vacation periods are July and August, the last week of December and first week of January, 4 weeks in February-early March and 4 weeks in April. (It doesn't mean that kids get 4 weeks off each time, they actually get 2 weeks but France is divided into 3 vacation zones, so a zone may get the first 2 weeks in April, another zone the middle two weeks and the third zone the last two weeks. Things were organized this way to extend the touristic seasons and avoid heavy traffic at the beginning and end of vacations).

    The best air fares to fly to France are outside Christmas/New Year and summer.

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