
When is the best time for a girl to have s ex to reduce the chance of her getting of her getting pregnant?

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i wanna be safe...




  1. Anytime she uses protection would be the obvious!

  2. There is no "best time". A woman can ovulate at any time during the month. And for a couple to use "timing" as a method of birth control the woman would have to know her cycles VERY VERY well. Nothing beats contraceptives or good ol' abstinence.

  3. she needs to be on birth control and he needs a condom.. then you'll be safe

  4. Use a condom. Or birth control pills. Or both. Or both, and then spermicide.

    Contrary to the first poster's answer, the last time I checked, wedding rings make terrible contraceptives. I know, you'd think that would ward off pregnancy, wouldn't you??? However, my aunt has 5 children, all the result of the "rhythm method" (trying to time your cycle like you asked.) And she is definitely married! Who would have thought?!?!

  5. You shouldn't, there is never a 'safe time' to have s*x, there will always be a risk. If you still want to risk it, please at least try to be careful and use protection, ie: condoms, birth control, spermicide. caution: these are never 100% as some might try to prove, it just reduces the percent of it ever happening, be wary that it can still happen

  6. or you can just not have s*x?

    there is no "safe" s*x.

  7. your fertile days are when you are ovulating. you will get details on this at . but it is always safe to use a condom or take oral contraceptives.

  8. although the 'perfect cycle' is 28 days starting at day one of the period and ovulation on day 14, that would mean s*x anytime other than days 11-18 would be safe the reality is most womens cycles don't work like that, you could be ovualating anytime in your cycle, if you want to be safe, go on the pill and use a condom as well

  9. there is not best time she needs to be on birth control or you need to wrap it up both would be better thats safe

  10. When she's married, or on birth control, or never.  

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