
When is the best time for mating?

by  |  earlier

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when my dog came in to season, i was told that the 9th an 10th day were when she would be most fertile, but could she get pregnant anytime shes in season?




  1. Never if you have to ask! You should get her spayed. Don't you know how many dogs are in the shelters now including puppies.

  2. If you need to ask this question here it is a sign that you don't know anywhere near enough to be breeding.

    Please go do some serious research on responsible breeding.

    Start here:

  3. Any time during the heat will do. Just put her in with the dog and leave her for a day or two.

  4. You need to make sure your dog is about 2 years old during your dogs period she will be rubbing her hind part against other dogs or object, so this is the best time.... you need to make sure when is your dog's first day of her periods if you want to have puppies, because dog's period only come every 6 months!!!!

  5. Firstly if it is your dogs first season it is not advisable for her to mate. Rather wait until her second season when she will be mature enough to handle a litter of puppies.

    A dogs 'season' can be broken into 3 parts - the first 7 days are the warm-up the next 7 are the 'hottest' and the last 7 days are the wind down. Most dogs will know when they are ready and will not present themselves for mating until then. My female gets the 'itch' to be mated so badly that she waves her bits at any dog when she is ready. But if they come close and she is not ready she will snap at them.

    Most breeders recommend that you present your female to the chosen stud at about the 10th day. if they successfully mate, then present her again two days later. Girl dogs are fussy and they might not accept who you think will make a good partner!

    Although the last 7 days are a wind down she will still be fertile and hoping for a bit of 'leg over' if not mated. I had an awful incident where my male mated with my female on the 20th day of season!!!!! Fortunately/unfortunately, although she fell pregnant, she did not carry the pups to full term(she aborted and reabsorbed).

    Mating and pregnancy sound like a great idea but in practice it can be a tricky thing. The mating lasts anything from 10minutes to an hour! and the pregnancy can cost a fortune!

    My girl dog had puppies 7 days ago and the pregnancy cost 4 visits to the vet and an ultra sound to check on the pups. Then the actual whelping took 3 visits to the vet, numerous injections and another ultrasound. Now the pups are here and i am already stressing about the potential homes!

    Good luck and think carefully about whether you really want the hassle of a litter of puppies!!

  6. The best time for mating would be...

    -Once your dog is at least two years of age

    -Once they have earned respected titles in show and/or work

    -Once they have had all their health tests done, and passed each

    -Once you have decided that you are more interested in the puppies going to good homes rather than the money

    -Once you have decided that you are willing to back up your puppy buyers for the lifetime of the pup and if they can no longer keep the pup then you are there to take it rather than having them dump it at a shelter

    Amongst an entire list of other things...

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