
When is the best time of the year to shampoo indoor carpets?

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When is the best time of the year to shampoo indoor carpets?




  1. I prefer to clean my carpets, when they need it, in the spring or fall. there is less humidity and allows the carpet to dry faster.  

  2. I would say on a nice fall day, when it is a bit cooler out, so you can open the windows and doors to make everything fresh smelling.

  3. The best time is never wear shoes, in the house. Then your carpets stay like new and never need shampooing.

  4. In the spring or fall when you can leave the doors and windows open; you can also stir the air around with fans to help dry the carpet faster.

    There is a carpet cleaning service in our area that uses a form of club soda (!) on the carpets that gets them VERY clean and they don't take as long to dry. You might want to call around and see if you have a similar service in your area.

    We recently had new carpeting installed and the carpet guys told us NOT to walk around in our bare feet on the new carpet! Apparently, the oil from your skin gets the carpet dirty, too. You can go shoeless but wear socks or slippers with clean soles and don't put your bare feet on the carpet.

    I'm trying to find tiny socks to put of the paws of my two cats...

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