
When is the best time of the year to visit New York Citiy?

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I know I dont want to go in the summer. I hate hot weather.




  1. Definately go around Christmastime. It's the best time of year. We have the huge tree in Rockefeller Center. All the windows are decorated beautifully. There are lights everywhere. You would really enjoy it.  

  2. Listen to me, I've lived here my entire life. I HATE the summer here for three reasons.

    1) People childishly throw their social lives into hyperdrive simply becaue it's summer, and basically just make fools of themselves.

    2) The heat, All of new york smells like baked garbage in the summer

    3) Tourists, usually the summer attracts the dumbest group of tourists the world has to offer leading to VERY overcrowded streets and randomly bumping into people who are dumbfounded at the sight of skyscrapers.

    Come here between October and December, the weather is amazing between October and November which is when New York most eminates that "Classic New York" feel. During the Summer New York is just a mess, a zoo you do NOT want to see.

    In the fall you will expereince the 'real' new york.

  3. You know New York is a busy city all around the year. If you want to visit the famous attractions of New York, you'd better avoid the national holidays, like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hallowmas, holidays like these holidays.

    Maybe you can also search some travel agencies to consult. They know much clearer.

  4. i love winter in the city, when there's no dirty snow.

  5. Honestly, all year round.

    Winter is great because the city is decked out for the holidays and you can pop into any coffee shop to warm up with coffee or cocoa.

    Spring is lovely as all the trees start to bloom and the frost in the air starts to warm.

    Summer is wonderful when you're at an outdoor bar/lounge enjoying a drink with friends.

    Autumn is amazing because a Central Park walk turns into a festival of leaves that are changing colors.

    That probably wasn't much help, but I love New York!

  6. Listen to Ted.  Fall is best; spring not so bad either.  The christmas scene, with the big tree and 5th avenue stores gets pretty foolish and overblown and isn't worth the trouble.  And he's right about the smell in the summer (the Bronx Zoo, which should be on your list, has a special aroma that peaks in summer as well.  - if you're into plants the Botanical Gardens, essentially next door to the zoo, are must-see).

    Only problem is that there are several touristy things geared to summer (outdoor concert series especially, and baseball - including Brooklyn and Staten Island minor league teams) that you'll miss.  However, there's always music going on somewhere, whether big $ shows or just live entertainment while you eat or drink.  If you're looking for an authentic NYC experience now is the time to come.  

  7. My friend, if you preferred, you can visit NYC in the spring, fall or winter. The weather will be a lot cool during those season.

    Good luck

  8. comes alive even more..the lighting of the tree..all the store fronts decorated......just the atmosphere is great..nothing like it and something everyone should experience

  9. I think December is the best time.  Christmastime in the city is amazing.

    My second favorite month in NY is October.  The air is crisp, the leaves are changing, everyone is out and about enjoying the weather before winter hits.  October is my favorite month here.

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