
When is the best time of year to plant raspberries?

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  1. summer, summer has just enough sunlight for it.

    plus with all that heat the plant will drink the water.

    if you do it in the winter, the plant wont drink as much water and youll hav a soggy plant.

    the berries wud also make a great treat in the summer!

  2. There are actually two kinds of raspberries Some you cut to the ground after each fruiting season. These are called fall-bearing, and they produce canes that bear fruit on the top portion of the current season's growth in late summer and fall. If these canes are left to overwinter, they bear fruit in the spring on the lower portions that did not fruit the previous fall. Then there are summer-bearing cultivars (which are the most common) They produce biennial canes called primocanes--and grow one year and develop into floricanes that produce fruit the next year. If you are interested in raspberries by next year-here are the names of several fall-bearing red raspberries: Amity; August Red; Autumn Bliss; Bababerry; Fall Red; Heritage; Indian Summer; Redwing: September: and Summit. All the purple raspberries seem to be summer-bearing berries. I have two bars at the end of my rows - shaped like a T; and I have wire strung (3 rows) strung up every 18" to the end of the row; as the raspberries put up their canes, I attach them to to wire in order to keep them off the ground and for better picking in the summer and fall when they're ripe.

    I generally plant my berries in early spring, but you can plant them in the fall as long as the ground isn''t frozen

  3. SUMMERTIME! yeah idk, but give me best answer...

    AND, people don't report me cause i know this person.

    but to answer your question anyways: They need to be planted and/or transplanted in the spring. Wait until the ground is thawed fully and just about ready to receive tender annuals (after the last frost). Also FYI: if in the late summer, you bend the tips of the canes over (the first year canes that grew this summer, not the second year ones that produced berries this year), and pinned the tips into the soil, they will grow roots for transplanting. The following spring, you can transplant those new plants after clipping them off the parent plants for easy propogation!  

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